It's Always You Three

Start from the beginning

Feyre had no idea of the source of the power, it had filled the whole city, as if it were everywhere at once. Rhys fortunately was used to world shattering power, and so succeeded in finding the right direction, northeast.

Her mate's eyes were deadly as he surveyed the city below them, some citizens calling out and asking what was going on.

"Is this to do with the human running around?!" Feyre heard one call and instantly sent out a smidgen of power to feel if their guests had behaved and stayed in the House.

Immediately she reached out and told Rhys what she had found. It has to be them, they're not in the House of Wind.

Let's hope they're not in trouble, we might be too late otherwise. Was his only response.

They glided over the sky for several long minutes, pausing to hover above worried citizens and asking a few of them - discreetly - if they knew the direction of the disruption. Unfortunately everyone seemed to think it lay in a different bearing than the others around them.

There was no death, no more echoes or rumbles of the strange power. Feyre could only feel a hum which spread through the city in an almost warming manner, like it was pressing up against them all and purring with delight. As if it were celebrating something, though Feyre had no idea what it may be.

They neared the most popular nightout district, where drink ran cheap and Fae liked to find nightly companionship. All of them were scanning the ground more desperately now, it was taking precious minutes to even find the source of the strange power.

Feyre yelped as her husband suddenly dived downward, calling out to them, "That's Rowan."

Sure enough they all spotted the male sprinting along a broad and dimly lit road, no one else was around other than a female stalking down the road a long way after him. The group of them landed infront of the running male, where a smaller road joined the broader one.

"Hey there Rowan." Rhys called cheerily, faking a calm air as if they were bumping into each other in a shop rather than on a dodgy street while the world was going to shit.

The male, despite having clearly been sprinting for a long while, pulled up without so much as breathing heavily. "Hey Rhys," Rowan said with an unimpressed look.

"What brings you out into Velaris on this fine evening." Mor grinned jokingly.

Rowan glanced at the street behind him, where the female still stalked after him, prowling along at a lilting pace. "Thought I'd enjoy the night sky." Rowan shrugged, looking unperturbed.

"Where's Celaena and the wolf?" Azriel asked coldly, not looking very impressed with the male's casual manner.

The Wild Fae watched the spymaster with the same iciness, eyes flicking to glance over their shoulders' along the street. Feyre instinctively turned to follow his gaze to see a white wolf bounding along the road towards them, a strange male also following him.

"Who in the Cauldron did you guys piss off?" Cassian drawled, raising an eyebrow at Rowan. More footsteps echoed, this time coming from the smaller road adjoining where they stood. The white-haired male tensed, turning his gaze to where they came from.

"Celaena!" He barked out, almost sounding like he was giving a command. A brilliant white flash filled the opening of the street and then the human emerged, sprinting for her life with a large male on her tail.

Feyre suddenly felt the weight of the world lifted off her shoulders and she realised the world-shattering power had vanished and they still hadn't found the culprit.

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