Chapter 2: Quality Time

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Max's POV

Today the boys were planning on spending the day in the city, London that is. Jay still hadn't quite recovered so I decided to stay and take care of him. It was probably the closest we'd ever get to spending quality time. The lads headed out leaving me behind.

I made some tea and toast for Jay. I set them up on a tray nicely and added some fruits. I carefully walked to his room and gave him a nice warm greeting. He sat up as I placed the tray onto his lap. "Wow Max, you really didn't have to do all this. I've gotten messed up so many times before, so why now do you choose to do all these crazy nice things for me?" Jay asked. I sat beside him on the edge of the bed.

"I guess it was just a way to show you that I care for you you." I replied.

"Awww! I love you too" he said with a pouty face.

We laughed, but I wasn't too happy about the response. When I said I loved him I didn't mean as a brother. If only he could realize that. Unfortunately the reality is, he's just not into me.

"You wanna watch a film?" Jay asked. "Your stuck with me so we mine as well."

"Yeah sure. Have one  in mind?" 

After we decided on what to watch I went to go fetch the movie. I returned to see his tray cleared of the food it once had laying upon it. I smiled and took the tray from him. I dumped it into the sink and went back into the room. I put the movie in and laid beside him almost to the edge of the bed. I was afraid my body would wander and end up right on top of him.



"If I told you something that could change our lives forever, what would you do?"

"Well that depends. Would it be good or bad."

"Lets say it would be good for me, but most likely bad for you."

"Erm...that's a very vague question. Is there something you want to tell me?"

"No.....I was just being random and trying to freak you out."

"And you sure as hell did a great job at it." he said with a slight giggle.

Half way through the movie Jay passed out. His mouth was slightly opened causing him to snore a bit and occasionally choke on his saliva. I didn't mind it at all; I enjoyed it. He looked so peaceful and beautiful. I scooted towards him slowly and stretched my neck out to give him a soft kiss on his cheek. He didn't budge, so I decided to scoot even closer to him. I puckered my lips trying to get them to touch his, but then he turned and laid on his other side. Disappointed, I got up, removed the movie, and walked out of his room.

It was stupid for me to even try to pull off something like that. It was just wrong, because he was just laying their unaware and vulnerable. What if he'd woken up? How could I be so idiotic and ignorant. Most gay males are intelligent to some extent, but me, I was a complete disgrace. If I want Jay to fall for me I can't pull these stupid crazy stunts. I can't risk losing my chance of ever being with him.

Hours passed as I sat in my room on my laptop. Night had fallen and the boys still hadn't returned. I heard a knock on the door and said come in. When the door opened I looked up to find Jay soaking wet covered with just a towel."When are the lads coming back. I want to go clubbing." he said. I'd lost consciousness staring at his beautiful upper body and quickly regained it when he talked.

"You want to go partying again? You just recovered from one of your worst hangovers ever."

"Yeah I know, but I'm bored and and it's Free For Ladies night which is the best time to go to the club. They'll be tons of ruthless women waiting for a celeb like me to pick them up. I'm sure you'd like to get some action. It's been a while since you did."

I shook my head and said "Bird, you're staying in tonight. You can't keep doing this to yourself all the time."

"I promise I won't get  too drunk."

"No, Just relax and enjoy the rest of the week we  have off."

"Ugh. Fine." He said while rolling his eyes. He stepped out and shut the door. Thank god I had my laptop on my lap. After seeing him oozing such sexiness, my "friend" got a bit exited.

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