Pinky Promise Part 5

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There was so much blood as Beth took a deep breath and stuck her hands inside Lori's stomach.  "Carl, I'm going to need something to wrap the baby in.  Your jacket," she told him as she felt around, "I can't find it," she mumbled until finally her hand hit what felt like a leg, "Oh God I think I found it.  I can feel it's leg or maybe it's arm."

"Lay your jacket down I'm going to pull the baby out," she told Carl as she took a deep breath and pulled the baby from it's mother's womb.  "Why isn't it crying?" Carl asked.

Shaking her head Beth concentrated on the baby in her hands, "It's a girl! There's stuff in it's airway."  

Remembering her child cpr classes that her daddy made her do before she could baby-sit Beth turned the baby over and began clearing the airway.  As she worked she instructed Carl to cut the umbilical cord from the baby to Lori.  

"Beth, she's not breathing," Carl cried.

Feeling the baby's breath on her arm and then hearing a slow pitiful cry Beth cried, "Yes she is Carl.  She's breathing," she announced looking up at the boy only to notice he was speaking of his mother and not the baby.

Seeing him pick up his knife and raise it Beth cried out, "Carl, no, I'll do it!" moving the baby to his jacket she wrapped her quickly intent on taking the knife from Carl but as she turned to take it he had already slid his knife into her head.  

"Carl!" she cried, pulling him away from his mother; she rocked the crying boy in her arms.  

After a few moments Beth became aware of the baby crying on the floor, "Carl," she whispered, "We have to go.  The alarms stopped a while ago.  We have to find our people.  I need you to help me get your sister to safety," she told him, looking him in the eyes, "Do you think you can help me?" she asked.

Glancing  one last time at his mother Carl nodded before taking his knife and Beth's machete that was on the floor by Lori's body, "You take the baby.  I'm going to get us out of here," he declared moving towards the door to the hallway.

Slowly the two made their way back down the hallway the way they had come when the nightmare had begun.  She prayed to God they'd find a clear path and was thankful when they made it to the cellblock.  Noting the dead walkers Beth motioned for the door that led outside.  

Letting Carl push the door open he went first out into the sunshine.  Squinting against the sun Beth saw most of the group across the courtyard as she and Carl pushed their way out of the chained door, "Rick," she called as the baby cried out.

She didn't know if they had heard her or the baby but they all turned towards her and Carl as they moved across the pavement.  Carl clutching a knife in one hand and a machete in the other while Beth clutched the baby wrapped in Carl's jacket to her chest.  

Seeing the look of devastation as Rick slowly walked towards them Beth shook her head unable to stop the tears, "I'm so sorry.  I'm so sorry," she repeated over and over.  

"Where.......where is she?" Rick stuttered.  

Shaking her head Beth was unable to answer as she gasped for air and her tears blinded her.  She heard people moving towards her but couldn't decipher who it was until she felt Maggie taking the baby from her, "Bethie, let me see.  Daddy needs to make sure it's okay," she whispered.

Nodding Beth gasped, "It's a girl," she managed to get out before she felt Daryl's arms around her.  Sobbing she felt her legs give out as they both sunk to the pavement.  

"Breathe girl," Daryl told her as he held onto her, "Come on now breathe."

Taking a deep breath Beth held it for a few seconds before slowly letting it out again.  Once she was steadier she nodded and Daryl pulled her up to her feet.  Framing her head with his hands he stared into her eyes, "You okay?" he asked.

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