the single touch that could break us

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my body aches for your touch
as well as yours for mine

though we both know we can never give in
because once we give in there's no going back

but it will happen
and once we give in to our lust driven desires
it's over

you're mine
and i am yours
forever and always

and if you so much as touch another being
i'll make sure i rid their touch with mine

if they touched you slightly in one place
i'll touch you a million times all over

and for some reason i want to give in
i want to touch you
i want to hold you
and most of all
i want to kiss you until the worlds' end

and once the world comes to an end
i want our lips intact
think of it as an apology for all the times we couldn't touch

s. g.

i don't really like this but it's inspired by nyx-malfoy 's story...tgwlia

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