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"Nephthys!! Nephthys!! Nephthys!!"

The fight club of Bloodlust was filled with one well synced name. Drunken people with cheap beer bottles in hand and white powder in system all surrounded the ring screaming at the top of their lungs over the fight inside the ring. Over the covered face and bloody knuckles going savage on her opponent. As always.

The cheers intensified when the two fighters circled each other, sensing the match is coming to its highly anticipated end. The man almost unconscious, limping on his left ankle that's quickly turning into an ugly shade of purple while the masked face covered all signs of pain, discomfort and emotions. Leaving an erring aura that terrified whoever stood opposite and entertained the inner monsters of the spectors that derived pleasure from the sight of crimson footprints on the ring.

Nephthys was a name known by everyone connected to the underground illegalities, the matt black cobra mask was the only symbol of her existence as no matter how well-known Nephthys was, no one had a face to put up to the name anymore.

Nephthys had many other names. Shadow. Lightning. Merciless. Savage. Ghost. Undefeated. With a deadly reputation in the most brutal underground ring and without a face, it was only a matter of time before Nephthys soon turned into a legend for the people who come to see fight for entertainment. A way to earn some quick cash for those who bet on the fighters. And a dangerous asset for the underground Gods who run the dark business. Many gangs and illegal fighting organisations had tried to buy out the fighter. By one of two ways. One was the basic. Buy the fighter out a fat stack of cash. But they never succeeded when it came to Nephthys.

Nephthys doesn't work with or for anyone.

With calm and collected steps and eyes salivating over the 6th prey of the night, the figure took two steps and threw a left hook. The limping man managed to move away to the right dodging the hook making his next mistake because with incredible speed the masked face knocked him out a spin kick right in the face.

With blood now spattering from his mouth the man fell on the ring without resistance and made no attempt to move. The sight of the unmoving body confirmed Nephthys' 6th win of the night in a row. The lights changed into the usual dark disco light while the winner is being announced.

The crowd by then was uncontrollable, shouting at the top of their lungs in approval. Stacks of money was thrown inside the ring at the undefeated champion standing tall. But her eyes were stuck at the unconscious body being dragged away. Then the pair of determined eyes moved towards the crowd and met a vicious pair. Leader of the most dangerous local gang of Bloodlust stared back with hatred, whereas there should be defeat.

You see if money doesn't do the job, violence is this world's favourite weapon. In order to tame Nephthys into his gang, the gang leader just lost 6 of his best fighters in a single night, in the same ring. That's Nephthys for the underground world. Standing undefeated on the bloodstream of 6 men she sent to hospital. Or to their grave.

The cobra faced winked and the gang leader let out a loud growl before instructing his men something. When he looked back at the ring, it was empty. Nephthys was gone. Like they never existed. As always.

The stairs made annoyingly creeky sounds as Nephthys reached the rooftop of the 2 storied building. The screaming of the people in the ring zone on the ground floor was still audible. Along with the chilly breeze of the night, hit a familiar smell of strawberry flavoured vape. Nephthys didn't smoke.

But the pink head waiting in the corner did.

"One of these days, you're gonna get yourself killed by being so careless." The pink head said, without even looking at the masked figure.

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