All Started With Counsellor Asshole

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I am now in University. THE BIG LEAGUES! The first person in my immediate family to go to university! What an honour and privilege! But before we dive into this let's go back in time again about why University is so important to me. Remember that counsellor I brought up that was at the table when I was told I was disabled, counsellor asshole? Yes... let's talk about them s'hall we. During this particular time between 2014-2018 I had a lot of things going on and not much good my best friend has been diagnosed with terminal cancer and died in 2015. It was the first death I ever experienced and the first funeral I ever attended. I went to counsellor asshole because a teacher marched me to his office because I was bawling due to the stress at home (my best friend was told she was terminal nothing the doctors can do in our basement had flooded) Hes a very busy man you know and he told the teacher he could not see me and the teacher told him that I needed to see him immediately this was an emergency and whatever he had could wait (it didn't). I sat in his office and you know what he said to me? " you need to Move on you need not to mourn her early she's not dead yet that I was a terrible friend doing this crying over her not supporting her and her needs professionally telling me to grow up and that I needed to get over this and that unfortunately people die when we don't want them to and it was unfortunate that this was happening at such a young age. She died two weeks later after that meeting... I couldn't even look my mother in the face when I came home I was so full of guilt and shame and I felt like the worst human being alive because of that meeting. Now going back to 2018 I'm in his office again regrettably about what he can actually do his job to guide me and educate me about my possibilities for the future... he couldn't even do that. I went to his office we were trying to figure out my next move I was being bullied and harassed by a teacher and their class was what I needed and required to get into nursing and I had very poor marks in it (we will talk about this later). He handed me pamphlets on pamphlets but none of them were for universities not one all Community colleges, colleges. "What is this?" " these are schools I think it would work best in?" "I want to go into nursing none of the schools have this!" "Well you can become a CNA see of nursing is right for you." " counsellor asshole (did not say this) I know what I want I want to go into nursing I do not want to become a CNA because that is not Nursing I don't want to work in long-term care homes because I have an attachment issue and know that it will be mentally hard for me to work there so no I do not want to become a CNA!"well if you are so stuck on being a nurse NSCC does an LPN program! If you want me to help you apply." "Counsellor asshole it's sad that I know more about this then you do that program has a 2-3 year wait list The only way I was to get into it for 2018 what's the apply for it in 2014 but I don't want to go to community college I have the grades to go to university... so to university I will go" "Georgia i'm going to be honest with you you are going to struggle in University really do not think this is the best choice." " OK do you remember the conversation we had a few years ago where you said my best choice was to take the CEP program (just to graduate high school) that I wasn't going to graduate high school and then I was going to struggle and never make it and in two weeks time I'm going to walk across the stage with honours throughout the four years I've been here with both academic and advanced standarding I struggle every single day this is not new to me and I really could care less because this is something I want a good supportive job not taking your order at MacDoonalds (these jobs are highly important I treat janitors with the same respect as CEO's
and I think everyone has a place in the world Then I do not look down on retail workers etc because without you I do not have food on my table clothes on my back all the necessities started with you and I want to thank each and everyone of you but when someone is telling me that that is my place I don't have a choice  is unacceptable). " well did you even apply to universities" "I actually did!" "Which ones then?" " memorial University, Saint Francis Xavier, and Cape Breton University. I also looked that University of Prince Edward Island and University of New Brunswick" " nursing is a very competitive program and very hard to get into, you understand?" " yes I also took the liberty of doing the Casper test booked, paid and completed and send it to the universities myself my problem is I've been rejected but they were impressed by my grades volunteer work and Casper test results but wasn't good enough still and looking at a second option." "Maybe it is best you take a year off. Or come back next year to complete the course that you were struggling in? I highly recommend that!" "So you're telling me you want me to come back to a teacher who purposely bullies and harasses me to the point of absolute disgrace (I actually planned  to take my own life)and the only way I can get that class completed without her is to move school just for that class over an hour away you and I both know for a fact statistically it is harder for someone to come back to school after a year... so no I'm not coming back here after you hand me that piece of paper." "I really do not know what you want me to tell you Georgia I cannot make a decision for you that is up to you." "I understand the decision is up to me I don't understand what options are on the table for me." " I told you what they are." " no you didn't you tell me what I can and cannot do that is not helping me just becoming more agitated and frustrated with you!" " then it's best we close this meeting and try again some other time." " no we are not having another meeting I'm done fighting and getting no where with this you didn't help me with Bursaries or scholars and didn't help me with applying to universities you did absolutely nothing I did everything myself while taking care of my mom who's been in and out of the hospital and almost died a few weeks ago so no you've done enough help." A few weeks later I was told I was excepted into Memorial University of Newfoundland as an art student (because counsellor asshole and the school forgot to send my transcript to the University for nursing before the deadline and when they did send it finally they sent to the wrong campus) I went back into his office quickly to tell him of my acceptance but due to the fact I did not have a letter at the time they were not going to announce it at graduation and let me tell you I threw a cow in the gymnasium during right after practice infront of everyone because he was ruining my special day and disregarding my achievements  that I wasn't even going to be presented with honours I embarrassed him and yelled and when it came to my time on the stage i'm walking across in front of all those families "Georgia Elizabeth Mattinson Honour Student and has held Honours throughout High School and Has been excepted at Memorial University of Newfoundland." Just before we went into the gymnasium to do our graduation ceremony I asked him if he called the campus to confirm and he said he did and that they had no information on me and I asked him what campus he called to discover he also called the wrong campus so I gave him the number and said that I went ahead and called for him because I knew he would fuck it up and that I was in fact accepted and that I wanted that address and that he was to call and fix this mess he actually said no so I went to the vice principal (she did one of her degrees at Memorial and was very proud that I got in) and magically my problems where solved. Then celebrated and anxiously waited for my new adventure in September.

tales of a black sheepOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora