Records Of the Agito - The Future Of Mankind

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Wakaba, Chikage, Tamako, & Anzu: *twitch*

Tamako: Who the hell are you calling Lionesses you little- ??????!!!!!! (Tamako said as she hooked both of Shouichi's nose hole using her finger)

Shouichi Ow Ow Ow Ow Ow Ow Ow Ow Ow Ow!!!!!!!! Hey! I'm an injured person!!!!! Treat me like an injured person!!!!! (Shouichi said as he removed Tamako's finger from her nose) If a person has the strength to hook my nose hole after dying once, then what do you call them other than a lioness?! 

Anzu: You're a meanie Shouichi-san! After all, we have done to look after you!

Shouichi: Well, I could say the same thing about all of you as well. You guys did a good job hiding things from me but look like you're not as good as me.

Wakaba, Chikage, Tamako, & Anzu: ......... 

Shouichi: So, do you guys have your own reason? 

Wakaba: Wait Shouichi! If you want to blame someone blame! I'm the one who told them to keep you out from fighting anymore.

Shouichi: Why were you trying to stop me from fighting?

Wakaba: Don't you get it?! Your body is already damaged! You've already lost your right hand!! If you fight one more time then...... then you might die next time.

Shouichi: .......

Wakaba: Please........ stop fighting anymore...... I can't stand it anymore when I saw a person die....... I realized it when I saw both Tamako and Anzu die. I don't want to see anyone die anymore, especially....... if that someone is someone precious to me. (Wakaba said as she began to cry) 

Shouichi: I....... I....... Even if this whole body breaks down, I'm not planning to stop fighting. 

Tamako: HEY! Don't be selfish anymore!!!! Wakaba is doing this for you!!!! You've already saved us once!!! If you die from that...... then...... I and Anzu won't be able to forgive ourselves for being so powerless to not be able to save you!!!!!! 

Chikage: Doi-san is right! Ashikawa-san! You taught me the value of friends and the value of myself! That's why...... I don't you to die!!! 

Shouichi: Even if I die to protect what is precious to me, then I won't regret it at all. Finally, as I continued to fight on I....... realized what is really precious to me. What are the things that I want to protect and the things that I want to protect is already right here........ 

Wakaba: But at this rate, you'll die!!!!! (Wakaba said in an angry tone) I'll never let you die!!! I'll also protect what you want to protect!!! That's why........ Please don't let me regret that I couldn't protect you.........

Shouichi: ....... Then...... Our feelings are mutual. I also don't want to regret that I couldn't protect you. All of you. That's why I can't afford to sit back and say yes to your request. Then, let's take the middle ground of it and protect each other's back.

Wakaba: That's not my point!!!!! Even if didn't die today, there's no telling when will you die. If you continued to fight...... Maybe tomorrow or even the day after...... I...... Since the day I meet you, you taught me the meaning of life.

Shouichi: .......

Wakaba: I don't want you to die....... That's why...... Please..... Stop fighting already..... (Wakaba said as she cried to beg Shouichi to stop fighting) 

Shouichi: Death...... is not the end...... I'll continue fighting. I'll never stop fighting! Since the day mankind fought against the Vertex. Until the day the sacrifices that we paid today are rewarded, We can only continue to fight. Until death. Even after death. Even if I die today...... no, even if all of us die today I believe that the traces of the path we lived will burn into the ground and will become hope. Someone along the lines will eventually come and connect that hope. We can only believe that hope will be passed on just like Utano passed on her hope to us. (Shouichi said with a determined tone) That's why........ Let me fight on....... To continue to pass on this hope.



(Shouichi's Room) 

As Shouichi continue to rest in his room while reading some Jump when he suddenly heard a knocking sound on his front door. 

*knock* *knock* 

Shouichi: Come in. 

Chikage: Ashikawa-san.

The person that was Chikage while carrying a basket full of fruits.

Shouichi: Koori. Looks like you're also here today. 

Chikage: Yes. 

Shouichi: What about Yuuna?

Chikage: She's doing fine. I just visited her. (Chikage said with a smile on her face) 

Shouichi: What about your parents? Before that incident, I never heard what exactly happened between you and your parents. But....... Things are kinda tough right after that?

Chikage: No...... In fact, I think that incident may have changed them. My father right now...... is more attentive to my mother now that she is being cared for at the hospital. My mother is also getting better each time I visit her and my father. (Chikage said as she peeled some fruits for Shouichi to eat) 

Shouichi: I see. That's great

Chikage: How........ about you? It's still my fault that you lost your right arm. (Chikage said with a guilty tone) 

Shouichi: You don't have to worry more than that. It's going to grow back. I don't know how long it is though. 

Chikage: I see. Eh?! What did you just say?! 

Shouichi: I don't know how long it is though.

Chikage: Before that! 

Shouichi: It's going to grow back? 

Chikage: What do you mean by that?! Is your arm...... going to grow back? 

Shouichi: Yeah...... I've already grown back a part of my body once before. When my gut was pierced by the scorpion Vertex. But my hand is bigger and more complex than my gut so I think it's going to take more time especially when I've lost a lot of my stamina. 

Chikage: Thank goodness....... Thank goodness...... 

Shouichi: Koo- Chikage?

Chikage: Thank goodness....... Ashikawa-san...... (Chikage said as she began to shed some tears) That means your going to recover!!!! 

Shouichi: Y-yeah.....

Chikage: When you recover and when all of this battle is over..... will you play games alongside me again? (Chikage asked Shouichi while turning her face away from him with a beet-red face) 

 Shouichi: Yeah..... We'll play as many times as you want. 

Chikage: Thank you........ Shouichi-san....... (Chikage said with a sweet smile on her face)

Inner Chikage: If I had met you much earlier, I might have not chosen the wrong choice at that time...... That's why..... let me be by your side to support you.......For you are the one who showed me the path which I will take. For you are the one who I will love for my entire life. 

To Be Continued

I hope you guys liked the new chapter of my story

Author Notes (A/N)

I do not own Kamen Rider Agito and Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru because they already have their respective owners

All images belong to respective owners.

I only own OCs and synopsis of the story.

Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru x Kamen Rider Agito : Flower of PossibillitiesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ