fourteen, the spy.

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"get him out. go! go!"

"god! hold on, sweetie!" joyce assured will as he screams and sobs. "i'm right here. just hold on."

they lay him on the hospital bed.


"heart rate 220. temperature's 106."

"will, where does it hurt?" a doctor asks him.

"all over," he groans as someone cuts his shirt.

"she says he feels like he's burning. check for burns," dr. owens says.

will screams in pain as they checked his body.

"i don't see anything. where does it hurt the most, will?"

"everywhere! everywhere!" he cried.

they inject a syringe into his arm and a machine beeps rapidly. y/n and mike stood by, holding onto each other as they watch their friend in worry.


bob, y/n and mike sat by will in his hospital room. y/n had her head on mike's shoulder as they both shared a blanket. they held hands tightly, staring at will, hoping he'd wake up before slowly falling asleep.


"sweetie, how you feeling? you okay?" joyce asks will as he, mike and y/n woke up.

"okay, they're on their way," bob walked into the room and looked down at will. "hey."

"who is that?" will asks.

"what?" joyce questioned as mike and y/n shared confused glances.

bob chuckles, "it's me, big guy. it's bob."

he reaches for will's hand but he backs away, "are you a... doctor?"

"no. no, it's just me. just... just bob."


"do you know your name?" dr. owens asked will after checking his eyes.


"your full name?"

"william byers."

"do you know... do you know who i am?" he questions.

"a doctor," will replies and he nods.

"have we met before?" dr. owens asks.

"i don't remember."

"hmm. you don't remember me? okay. how about, uh... how about these two right here?" he points at mike and y/n.

will turns his head at them and mike waved while y/n gave him a small smile.

"know who they are?"

will stares at them.

"it's all right. take your time."

"they're my friends," he said softly. "mike and y/n."

they smile before hopper pipes up, "what about me, kid? you remember me?"

he shakes his head.

"they tell me you helped save me last night. you remember that?" hopper asked him.

"do you remember about last night? about what happened?" dr. owens queried.

"i remember they hurt me."

"you mean the doctors?"

will shakes his head, "no. the soldiers."

"the soldiers hurt you?"

"they shouldn't have done that. it upset him."

dr. owens takes out a picture of the drawing will made, "you say, "upset him." is that him?"

will looks at the picture and back at him, nodding.

dr. owens nods before taking the picture back, "okay. okay, i wanna try something. it's gonna seem a little odd at first, but i think it's really gonna help us understand what's going on. is that okay?"

will nods, "okay."

a doctor brings out a long slug in a glass box into the room.

"now, will, i want you to just let us know if you feel anything. okay?" dr. owens instructed before nodding at the doctor.

he brings a blowtorch near the slug and it moves, making a soft screeching sound.

"do you feel anything?" dr. owens asked will.

he stammers, "little sting."

"it stings? where?"

the slug wriggles, screeching.

will grunts, "my chest."

"okay, son."

will groans as the doctor brings the blowtorch closer.

"how about now?"

"it... it burns."

the slug screeches loudly.

"ah! it burns."


he groans, "everywhere."

"that's enough. that's enough!" joyce says as the slug kept wriggling and moving while the doctor still held the blowtorch over it. will screams.

"stop! you heard her! that's enough!" hopper stepped up, yelling and the doctor finally pulled the blowtorch away.

"okay," dr. owen said as the heart rate monitor beeps rapidly before slowing down.

"sweetie... sweetie. it's okay," joyce assured will.


"will. will? will?" y/n shook will's arm.

he looks at mike and y/n.

"what's wrong? are you hurting again?" mike questions.

will shudders, "uh... i saw something."

"in your now-memories?" mike asked.

he nods and slightly leaned forward closer to them, "the shadow monster. i think i know how to stop him."


they had laid all of the pictures of the drawings on a table. will's eyes scanned through them as the others stood by patiently.

"sam, this is ludicrous," one of the doctors piped up.

"just give him a moment, okay?" dr. owens waved him off.

"we don't have time..."

"hey, jackass, why don't you do us all a favor and shut up, okay?" hopper cuts him off.

will stood up and walked to another side of the table, pointing at a picture, "that's it."

"that's what? what... what's there, will?" dr. owens asked him.

"i don't know. i just know he doesn't want me to see there. i think it's important."


will stammers, "i'm sorry."

mike and y/n looked up at him confused.

"what? what do you mean, sweetie?" joyce asked him.

he shudders, "he made me do it."

"who? who made you do what?"

"i told you. they upset him. they shouldn't have done that. they shouldn't have upset him."

mike's eyes widened, "the spy."

will cries.

"the spy!" he yells, grabbing y/n's hand and ran out of the room.

"whoa, whoa!" the guards stopped them.

"we need to get through! it's a trap!" y/n screamed as bob came up and grabbed her and mike.

"it's a trap! we need to warn them. it's a trap!" mike continued, struggling in bob's hold.

YELLOW,  mike wheeler. (DISCONTINUED)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя