14 | checkmate

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"Do I have to go?" Val whined as Remus pushed her out of the common room.

"You already told James you would be there," he reminded her and she huffed.

"So I'm to be punished for impulsive responses?"

"You're not being punished," he countered as he had to drag her through the school and toward the Quidditch field. "You're going to support your boyfriend."

Her eyes narrowed at his unnecessary emphasis on boyfriend. There was no way he knew the truth but sometimes that's what it seemed like.

"I can walk myself," she stated, whacking his arm.

"If you try and run, I will hex you," he warned and she stuck her tongue out at him as they made their way up to the seats. As soon as they sat down, Professor McGonagall spoke up from behind them.

"Val, you do the announcements, Brenner is out today," McGonagall suggested and Val's eyes widened.

"I know nothing about Quidditch, Professor," she informed her and McGonagall suggested.

"Just announce the teams and say what you see."

"Bloody hell," Val muttered as she hopped up onto the announcer platform. She waved for Remus to join her. "You know Quidditch?" He nodded, "You wanna do this?"

"Can't," he replied. "There were some incidents and now I'm banned. I can help you though."

"Wonderful," she huffed before pulling out her wand. She held the wand to her throat, "Sonorus." Feedback sounded throughout the stadium and Val covered her ears. "Sorry, sorry," she apologized quickly as she steadied her wand. "Testing, testing, 1, 2, 3."

Those in the stands turned to look in confusion, obviously surprised to find a different announcer. She glared back at the people who were watching her with disdain, "Believe me, I don't want to be up here anymore than you want me up here. Let's just get this over with."

"Welcome them to the match," Remus suggested and Val nodded.

"Welcome to the Hogwarts Quidditch match between - who's playing again?"

"Hufflepuff and Gryffindor," Remus answered and her face dropped.

"This was a cruel thing for you to do, Professor," Val informed the woman who shot her a look. "Welcome to the Hogwarts Quidditch match between Hufflepuff and Gryffindor! Let's hope it's a quick one!"

"Valda," McGonagall warned.

"I'm just saying what everyone is thinking," she pointed out. "Anyway, onto introducing the teams, let's hear it for Hufflepuff! Led by captain-"

"Paul Jenkins," Remus filled in.

"Led by captain Paul Jenkins, the team's Beater!" There was an eruption of cheers from the yellow side and Remus gestured for her to introduce Gryffindor. "And now let's give a round of applause for Gryffindor! Led by captain - oh, wait, I know this - captain James Potter, the team's Chaser!"

The Gryffindor team flew out and around the field. James and Sirius stopped closer to where Val and Remus sat in the announcer stand. "Who in the bloody hell thought that would be a good idea?" Sirius asked James.

James grinned, "I have no idea but this'll be good."

"I guess this means the match begins?" Val said but it came out as a question rather than a statement.

The teams landed on the ground and the captains approached Madam Hooch. Hootch said something to them, no doubt the rules before she blew on her whistle, "Begin!"

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