2 | cheshire cat grin

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Later that night, Val did as requested rather reluctantly. Knowing the boys reputation, this was a prank of sorts and she was walking right into the trap. She would just hex them, of course. The only class she had issues with was Transfiguration so hexing them successfully would not be a problem.

"Hey," someone spoke up from right next to her and she jumped.

"Merlin!" she exclaimed, whacking the boy on the arm. He laughed at her and she scowled, "What the hell was that for Potter? You scared me."

"That was kind of the point," he informed her before gesturing for her to follow him. "Come with me."

"How do I know you aren't about to kill me?" she asked warily.

"You don't," he shrugged, "You just have to trust me." And for whatever reason, she did.

He paced back and forth in front of the empty wall and for a moment she thought he had lost it. Until a door appeared. He opened it and grabbed her hand, pulling her into a room where there were a bunch of seventh year students having a party.

"Oh, bloody hell," she muttered as he pulled her through the crowd. "A party?" she hissed and she was tempted to yank her hand away from the boy. "This was your plan to tell people?"

He looked back at her with a grin on his face, "Once people here see us together, the whole school will know in no time. Gossip spreads like wildfire around here."

"I don't like parties," she informed him. Her skin had already started to itch but he was holding one of her hands, leaving her to scratch only her upper left arm.

"I figured as much," he replied, still leading him through the group. "Hence why I didn't tell you where we were going."

"I want to leave," she requested and he stopped at this.

"Come on, Princess," he tried, catching both of her forearms in his hands and pulling her toward him. "Have some fun."

"You're lucky there are too many people here," she informed him, her voice low enough for only him to hear. "Otherwise, I'd kill you."

An amused expression made its way onto his face. His breath tickled her cheek as he whispered, "I don't doubt it." He pulled away from her, allowing her arms to drop and lacing his hand with hers again. "Just five minutes."

"Fine but don't call me Princess," she huffed and he began to lead her through the party again. "Where is it you are taking me, exactly?"

"To my friends," he answered simply and it was too late for her to protest. "Hey," he greeted, "This is Val."

Val smiled tightly at them and waved at them with her free hand. James gestured to his friends, "Sirius, Remus and Peter."

"Nice to meet you," Val told them uncomfortably as she scratched the inside of her forearm. James noticed this and released her hand.

He stood behind her and wrapped his arms around her arms, nuzzling his face into her neck. She stopped itching and she was surprised to find that it eased the burning if only a little. She tilted her head so she could see him and he smiled at her. She rolled her eyes but smiled as well.

She looked back at where his friends stood to find them all staring at her. She cleared her throat, "Do they always do that?"

"Do what?" James asked in confusion.

"Stare," she replied. She tilted her head slightly as she looked between the three. Each was equally as surprised, if not more surprised than the next. Her eyes locked with Peter's and she tensed. James appeared to notice this and he looked down at her in confusion, rubbing her arms. She looked up again, "We have class in the morning. I should get back to the common room."

Down the Rabbit Hole | J. POTTERWhere stories live. Discover now