11 | tweedledee and tweedledum

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"I have so many regrets," Val groaned as she pressed her palm to her temple. She sat up in the bed and it took her a moment to realize that it wasn't hers.

She looked to her right and laying on top of the bed sheets was James Potter. She looked down and saw that she was no longer in a dress but a shirt that didn't belong to her.

"James," Val tried but the boy remained asleep, a faint snore escaping him every minute or so. She pushed his shoulder, "James, wake up."

The boy jolted awake and he looked around in confusion. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes and looked over at Val who appeared very confused. "Morning."

"What's going on?"

"You had just a little bit too much to drink last night," he explained as he pushed himself into a sitting position.

"That doesn't explain why you're in the bed with me," she pointed out.

He seemed hesitant but she gestured for him to explain. "I tried to sleep on the floor," he replied. "But then you started crying."

Her face dropped, "I didn't."

"You definitely did," Sirius announced from wherever he was in the room.

"Bloody hell," she muttered as she pressed her palms to her eyes and shook her head. "I remember nothing from last night. I remember showing up and then I remember lots of firewhiskey and then it's all just black."

"Let's hope it stays that way," James replied and Val narrowed her eyes.

"What aren't you telling me?" she inquired.

"Nothing," he answered but she didn't believe him. Even if she had, someone spoke up and counteracted James' statement.

"Please, that was hardly nothing," Sirius announced and Val jumped. Right, she reminded herself, There are four other boys in this room. Her eyebrows furrowed in thought. Three, she corrected mentally. Peter wasn't here. And the more she thought about it, the more she realized the boy hadn't been around lately.

Val turned to James in worry, "What did I do?"

"You basically jumped him," Sirius stated and James was really close to killing him. She looked over at the curtain for a moment.

Val looked over at James, "I did?"

"It's safe to say you are a very handsy drunk," he explained hesitantly and her eyes widened.

"Oh, Merlin," she mumbled. "I'm sorry."

Sirius opened the curtain and the two inside looked up at him. "He enjoyed a fair part of it until you threw up on him."

Val's hand flew to her mouth, "No."

James glared at his friend, "Get out."

"She deserves to know," he pointed out. "For someone who hates parties, you sure know how to have a good time."

"Out," James demanded and Sirius rolled his eyes before closing the curtain and leaving the two alone.

"Merlin, James, I am so sorry," Val apologized and James couldn't help but laugh. She whacked him in the chest, "It's not funny."

"It's a little funny," he countered and she narrowed her eyes. "You don't have to apologize."

"Yes, I do," she argued. "Did I really throw up on you?"

"Well, not really," he shrugged. "You mostly threw up on yourself," he explained before gesturing to her attire, "I had to get rid of my shoes but it could have been worse."

Down the Rabbit Hole | J. POTTERWhere stories live. Discover now