19 | we're all mad here

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"Merry Christmas!" James exclaimed enthusiastically before pulling both Val and her mother into a tight hug. He pulled away after a moment and Veronica straightened out her dress. "Come on in!" Val looked over at her mother who seemed eerily okay with the situation. She had expected her to decline the Potter's invitation to their Christmas dinner but here they were.

"Merry Christmas," Val replied with an amused grin. Her and her mother entered the house and pulled off their jackets, hanging it on the hook by the door. "Someone's in a good mood."

"It's Christmas," he pointed out as though it weren't already obvious. He slung his arm over the girl's shoulders and pulled her toward him. "Of course I'm in a good mood."

She rolled her eyes but rested her head on his shoulder, grateful for the warmth in comparison to how it felt outside. It may have been a short walk but it was still freezing and if she had been outside a second longer, she would have froze to death.

Her mother had left soon after they finished the meal because she had some errands to run. Veronica had told her daughter that her father would be home later that night so she shouldn't stay at the Potter's for too long.

"You know-" James began as the girl kissed his neck, "You should probably try to not leave any marks."

She smirked at this, "We're wizards, James. There are spells to cover it up."

"Well, if that's the case," he said before he flipped her over, his hands on either side of her head. He leaned down and kissed her lips before he left a trail of kisses from her mouth to her neck. He sucked gently on her soft spot, eliciting a moan from the girl. He grinned before nibbling gently and moving back up to her jaw.

She slipped her hands under his shirt and she felt him tense at her touch. He pressed his lips back to hers as his hands ran along her hips. He pulled her closer to him and she wrapped her arms around his neck so that she could pull him closer.

Without warning the door opened and the pair jumped away from each other. They looked over to who had entered to find a grinning Sirius and a wide-eyed Euphemia.

"Told you they were in here," Sirius announced and Val shook her head.

"Oh, Merlin," she muttered as she stood up from James's bed quickly. "Hi, Mrs. Potter."

James, however, was not happy with the interruption, "Have you heard of knocking?"

"You could have locked it," Sirius pointed out. "Or put a sock on the door."

Val covered her face with her hands as Euphemia pushed Sirius out of the room and shut the door. She turned to James with a petrified expression, "Tell me that didn't happen."

"See, that would be a lie and that doesn't seem like a good way to start this relationship," he informed her and she groaned. He crossed the room to her, "It could have been worse."

"I fail to see how anything could be worse than that."


She waved her hands quickly, cutting him off, "Don't say whatever it is you're thinking." He laughed at the girl and she glared at him. "How am I supposed to face her after she walked in on that?"

"It's not like we were naked, my love," he reminded her. "We were just making out like every other hormonal teenage couple does. It was nothing."

She groaned, rubbing her hand over her face, "You're not helping." She shook her head, "What if she tells my mom?"

"We weren't doing anything wrong."

"I know," she huffed. "I just wish she hadn't walked in."

"I'm sure that was all Sirius's doing."

Down the Rabbit Hole | J. POTTERHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin