Maddie crossed her arms nervously. Had she accidentally said something to hurt him? Or maybe it was something she had done that made him not want to talk to her again? Whatever the case was, she wasn't going to let it continue.

They needed to spend quality time together and hopefully get him to confess to her what was bothering him, and if these problems we're something he encountered daily. She couldn't stand seeing his exhausted, bruised-up face anymore.

But before she could head back home to talk to her son, she saw something glittering in the sky, similar to a shooting star. At first, she couldn't recognize it but after the thing travelled close, she could make out the outline of a body; someone was flying. It was Danny Phantom.

'What is he doing here?' Maddie thought in confusion as she noticed him near their neighbourhood. She soon snapped out of her thoughts and prepared her weapon, ready to blast the ghost.

"What are you doing here, spooks!?" the woman yelled, loud enough for the ghost boy to hear. He peered down and was surprised to see his mother out.

"Mo- Mrs. Fenton!" Danny quickly corrected himself and scratched his hair nervously. "I was, uh, about to head home."

"What are you talking about?" she asked, raising an eyebrow. Go back home? Did he mean the ghost zone?

"O-oh I mean-" the boy's eyes widened in alarm and before Maddie could understand what was happening and why the ghostboy's expression suddenly got darker, he aimed the ectoplasm ball just an inch above her head.

Maddie froze. "What-"

The green ectoplasm that so happened to have been behind the woman fell to the ground with a thud. "Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you. There was a ghost planning to attack you from behind."

The woman just stared at the floating ghostboy, watching as the ghost that was about to kill her get sucked into a cylindrical container.

"That was... impressive," Maddie commented as the boy nodded, wearing a small smile. "Thanks." 

"Yeah, of course, that's my job!" the boy beamed, somehow ecstatic by the comment but before he could say anything else, he felt a sharp pain stab the side of his back. The boy's face melded into a small fake smile, clearly in pain. 

Maddie obviously could tell that there was something wrong and her eyes travelled to the hand currently resting at his side, clearly shaking. It was then that she noticed what he was trying to hide, and it looked like there was glowing liquid... ectoplasm?

'Is that... a wound?' Maddie thought to herself and squinted her eyes further, hoping to catch something else. There was something else too... blood!! 

'That's definitely blood!' she concluded as she suddenly raised her weapon, aiming at the ghostboy. "Hands up, ghost!"

Danny was taken back from the abrupt change in mood and raised his hands in alarm. Expecting to see the blood only decorating his hands, Maddie was surprised once again that the source wasn't from a human he could've possibly injured, but it was clearly spewing from his open wound. And what made it even more shocking was that it wasn't the typical ectoplasm you would expect from a typical ghost, but actual human red blood. 

The woman blanked out, not knowing what to believe while the nervous boy tried to visualize a solution where neither of them would have to get hurt. He was already in a bad condition and another fight with a ghosthunter (let alone his own mother) was NOT what he needed right now.

But before the woman could utter a word regarding the predicament, Danny shot an ectoplasmic ball at the ghost weapon, catching Maddie off guard. And without a warning, Phantom suddenly vanished, as if had never been there. (She guessed it had to be his invisibility ability)

Maddie was slowly processing what just happened, slowly walking towards the spot where the ghostboy had been standing. The idea of a 'ghost' having human blood had never occurred to her and in all honesty, why would she ever suspect that? Unless there was a whole new species of ghosts she had yet to uncover...

Maddie bent down, thinking of getting a sample of the blood so that she could do her researches back home. But something caught her eye from the end of the road, something that seemed to... shine? The woman squinted and carefully took the bloody object in her hands, surveying it all over. Wanting to inspect it a bit further, she took out a napkin from her pocket and used it to wipe the bloody and ectoplasmic remains covering it.

But she wasn't expecting to see what she did. The woman gasped and took off her goggles, not believing her eyes. Something seemed to click inside her mind that second, the puzzle pieces all coming together as she clutched the dear object. 

It was the rare star. 


DannyMay Oneshots (2020)Where stories live. Discover now