I Am Historia

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After she gave a secret shoe tap to the Captain under the table, Historia can't help but felt disappointed when he refused to acknowledge her.

Instead, he stood up and invited Mr. Pedro for a private talk. She was slightly offended because he never set an eye on her from the moment she sat beside him at the table. She was not comfortable because the Captain wouldn't look at her as they used to at the muddy pathway.

His mood suddenly shifted and he looked dangerously unapproachable ever since they changed into clean clothes.

While she was listening to Hange and Gideon's lively conversation, Gideon seems to know how to make herbal drinks for health maintenance, and he has ongoing experiments to make different herbal intakes for some sort of human strength and many more, no wonder he became one of the Reiss volunteers because he has a unique skill. He was currently planting some useful herbs in the garden and Hange wants to see them herself because she's interested in his experiments. Gideon offered to walk them around the farm later after the Captain and Mr. Pedro return from their private talk.

While listening to Hange and Gideon's conversation, Historia sets her eyes on the food in front of her. Her fingertips hold on to the teaspoon and lazily tapped on her plate of sliced pie, smashing each bread of the food that reminded everyone about Petra.

Petra, how does she look like?

Her thoughts about Petra Ral played on her mind. The girl seems impressive in the eyes of Section Commander Hange and Captain Levi. They seemed to be much fond of the girl way back when she was still alive. Erwin was not saying much about the girl, but he was listening to them.

Historia glanced at her blue dress. It seems that this dress was made for a special occasion, but what could it be? What occasion did the scouts attend to wear such elegant and noble dresses? Or where did she wear this special dress?

Her thoughts were cut out by a sudden loud and desperate pleading voice of Mr. Ral. She turned and saw Captain Levi storming away from Pedro. His hand-formed into a fist while glaring at the path. His eyes wore those dangerous flaring gaze again.

He's angry. Historia tries to catch his eyes but it seemed that he is avoiding hers too.

Pedro was begging him about something. She heard him say about "it's just my name."

Historia frowned and glanced at her dress. Did they fight?

She saw Hange shifted on her seat and Wena turned her gaze to her husband and the Captain. The unsettling feeling she felt ever since they arrived here seems to grow much in an obvious way. Her tapping on the Captain's shoe didn't help her get many clues about what's happening.

The Commander didn't move his head from his table but his eyeballs were examining the flow of the current situation. Silently observing everyone,

Historia found it creepy.

The Captain told her that he will bring her friends to the orphanage, days from now then he left the place and didn't give them a chance to stop him from leaving, and he was in a hurry.

After he walked out, the silence was deafening her ears while looking at the people around her. She stays down on her chair, her shoulders low. Gideon excused himself as if he understood that he doesn't want to be involved in the heated situation while Historia was just sitting on her chair feeling a little bit sandwiched. She wanted to excuse herself from the table too but where will she go if she does?

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