Both POV

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The first thing that Sakusa noticed when he woke up was the silence. There was none of the usual dishes clanging in the kitchen or Atsumu's obnoxiously loud singing as he showered. No one knocked on his door or went out of their way to greet him. It felt weirdly off, and as Sakusa rose from the bed to begin his day, an odd feeling washed over him.

After getting dressed and cleaning his face, he went to the kitchen to find something to eat, but there was already a plate of food covered in plastic wrap and a note. He picked up the note read as he unwrapped the food and began to eat.

Good Morning Omi-kun!

Sorry I couldn't see ya this morning, my shift at the store was early and I didn't want to wake ya. Help yourself to whatever you want and if you go out make sure to grab the spare key on the counter. Try not to have too much fun without me!

I'll be home after 5 so see ya later :)

Sakusa read the note over again several times before forcing himself to put it down. The odd feeling kept overwhelming him, and it took him a moment to figure out if it meant that he was missing Atsumu. Sakusa shook his head with a frown, that's ridiculous . He did enjoy Atsumu's company, there was no point in lying about that, but to miss him when he only just left? It couldn't be. This was their first time apart since he moved in, and he should be grateful for the reprieve. He was finally allowed to have some time to himself. This was a good thing.

However, not even an hour later, his eyes began to flicker to the clock. He was trying to read on the couch at leisure and yet he couldn't focus on a single word. He continued to read the sentences over until giving up and glancing at the clock. He threw the book down with a huff, deciding to go outside to exercise, hoping it'd get his mind off of whatever was going on with him.

It did work, for a while. He focused on working out properly and on the music he played in the background, but then wondered if Atsumu wanted to do it with him. The thoughts knocked him off balance. Atsumu wasn't there and there was no need for him to be. He liked being by himself. At least that's what he tried to tell himself. After cleaning himself up, he remembered that Atsumu mentioned how he wrote his schedule on the calendar. He debated with himself if he should check it or not, and decided there was no harm in just a glance.

Atsumu had to work at the grocery store until after noon, and then took an afternoon shift at the flower shop. He knew exactly where they were and started moving before he knew it, and had to slap his cheeks to knock some sense into himself. He was not about to go visit Atsumu at work. They'd been together constantly, and Atsumu was sure to make a huge fuss about it. Cringing at the image of Atsumu's smug look if he came to see him or talk to him. Yeah, he didn't want to go through that, so he stayed at the house.

He busied himself with cleaning, reading, taking walks down the road, and mindlessly flipping through channels on the tv. It was boring as hell. His eyes never moved from the clock, wondering why it was taking so long for the hours to go by. When it was finally around the time that Atsumu would return, he slouched into his seat on the coach and schooled his features into what he hoped passed for mild interest in the show he was watching. As if right on cue, he heard Atsumu unlocking the door and threw it open wide. "Omi-kun I'm home!!"

Sakusa didn't know why his face was already beginning to warm and a smile was working its way on his face. "W-Welcome back."

Atsumu set down his things at the door and changed into slippers before leaning his arms on the top of the coach and leaning down toward him with a teasing grin. "Aww, Omi-kun, did ya miss me?"

"Of course not." Sakusa snapped immediately and glanced at him out of the corner of his eye to see his face fall. He wasn't sure if it was real or pretend, but it made him want to apologize all the same.

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