Sakusa POV

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Atsumu's smirk grew as he put a finger over his lips to hush Sakusa. "Shhh, Omi-kun, we're in a store ya know? Don't ya already get enough attention as it is?"

Sounding just like his mother, Sakusa was immediately pissed and shot him a withering glare. "I knew you were a crazed fan, but I didn't know you'd take it to the stalking level." Then he squinted at Atsumu's name tag, his suspicion of the man growing. "And you even changed your name to go along with it. Seriously, how obsessed with me are you?"

"What?!? I ain't obsessed and this is my name!!" He shouted as he pointed to the tag that read Miya. "It's Miya Atsumu. I swear that's my real name!!" He shouted even louder at Sakusa's narrowed eyes.

Wanting to tick him off further, Sakusa put a gloved finger over his mask. "Shh, Miya , we're in a store you know? Or are you desperate for attention?"

Atsumu's jaw tightened as his hands clenched into fists. "Why you-"

"Why do you talk to me so casually?" Sakusa interrupted, curious as to why this man hasn't been freaking out about him since they met. Then he gasped in horror as a thought hit him. "Wait, don't tell me, you're already so far gone that you think we're close or something?! Or maybe even imagined a relationship between us?!?" He'd experienced this many times when fans would buy VIP tickets to meet him, and when they did, they acted as if they really were his romantic partner and it still freaked the hell out of him by how well they thought out their "relationship."

"How many times do I have to say, I'M NOT YER FAN?!?" Atsumu retorted as his face flushed in anger. Sakusa had to cover his laugh with a cough again because this man was just too funny when he was angry. " Omi-kun -"

"See? What's with that weird nickname?" Sakusa interrupted, the use of it grated on his nerves.

Atsumu's face fell in a pout. "Weird, really?? But I thought it was cute."

Sakusa instantly flushed for some reason and was glad he was wearing a mask so the man couldn't see it. "W-What?!?"

"I'll explain it but," he gestured for Sakusa to move closer and leaned closer to whisper in his ear, "I thought ya didn't want anyone to know who ya were so I came up with a somethin no one would recognize. It's good, right?"

Sakusa eyed him curiously, feeling slightly touched that he went out of his way to keep his identity a secret. "No, I hate it."

Atsumu's smile faltered. "B-But-"

"Why? Would you even care about that?" He needed to know why this stranger was being considerate of him. What does he want from me? No one's even remotely kind to me unless they want something.

"Uh..well I.." Atsumu stumbled over his words, trying to find a reason, and Sakusa squinted at him, skeptical.

"Don't tell me you're trying to keep me all to yourself??" He shook his head, feigning disappointment as he set cash down on the counter and grabbed his bags. "You really are desperate, aren't you?" He fought to shove the laughter in his throat down as he walked out of the door and back into the blinding sun. He started down the street unsteadily until he heard someone shouting after him.

"You- why you!!" Atsumu was fuming as he shoved a couple bills and coins in his arms. "Y-You forget yer change."

He was too weak to hold back his laughter as he put the change in his wallet. "You're such an idiot."

"Oi-" He started to rant, but then the lack of sleep and food in his system was catching up with him as he tried to take a step away. However, his vision started to blur and his footing was off so he began to fall, and accepted it, but then was stopped by a pair of strong arms. "Hey, are ya alright?"

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