If I were to judge you, I would be a hypocrite.

Start from the beginning

He really didn't want to rest, but even if he was distracted today, he was tired as well. He said his goodbye and started to skate home. When he got to his house, he couldn't stop thinking about how far away George was from him.

He was about ten hours away from him, which really wasn't a measurement, but it was the only thing that mattered. He could only talk to George in the morning since George was doing things with his family and friends. And even then, George could choose to go to sleep early and leave Dream with no one to talk to for the day.

Well, not no one, but George had become a pretty big part of his life. He was almost as big as Sapnap was. And that was a big accomplishment since Sapnap had been with him since fifth grade. Why did George have to go so far? It was only for a week but it was killing Dream. He decided to sleep his care away.

The next day he was awoken by another phone call. It was Sapnap. He picked up the phone and looked at his clock; 9:37.

"Hello." Dream said.

"'ello Dweam." Quackity said. Dream checked the caller and it was Sapnap still.

"Come over, we're playing Minecraft." Sapnap said.

"We're going to hunt you Dream~" Quackity added.

"Give me a second to get dressed." Dream said, hanging up before they were able to say anything back to him. He got up and got ready to go to someone's house. He didn't know where they were. He pulled his phone back out to call them back.

"Where are you guys?" Dream asked.

"We're at Karl's house because he got a projector for us to play it on." Sapnap replied.

"Where is Karl's house?" Dream asked. Karl had just been introduced to the group about half a year ago, so Dream really hadn't got the chance to go to his house.

"I'll send you the directions." Karl said. Dream hung up when he heard the ping on his phone. He got his skateboard and started to ride to Karl's house.

"Oh Dream~ You have to come down from there." Karl said. Dream was stacked up to the sky in a straight pillar. He really did have to go down soon, before they were able to put a trap on the bottom.

So, he waited until Quackity inevitably started to get killed by Sapnap after stealing his stuff and jumped of the ledge with his water bucket.

Sapnap was the first to see him as he shouted, "DREAM!" Sapnap begun to chase after him as Karl waited for Quackity to come back to give him his stuff. Dream knew he was more armored than Sapnap, and that Sapnap only had five hearts thanks to the split screen mechanic that the game had. He turned around with his iron sword and started to chase after Sapnap instead.

Sapnap hadn't noticed why Dream turned around until he looked at his health compared to Dream's But it was too late for realization as he was getting killed by Dream the next second.

"NOO!" Sapnap yelled. Dream laughed as he collected Sapnap's stuff. "This split screen really isn't fair." Sapnap stated.

"Oh boohoo, cracker." Dream replied. Karl started to giggle aggressively.

"OOH HE GOT YOU, SAPNAP!" Quackity yelled.

Hours later, Dream had found the stronghold. He looked in his inventory and saw that he had no pearls.

"Ha, Dream. Looks like you have to go find some endermen." Sapnap said. Damn, this split screen really was unfair. He had to get out of the stronghold to go up and find some endermen. And after he was done, the others had already made it to the end.

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