If I were to judge you, I would be a hypocrite.

Start from the beginning

The thing that bothered him the most was why did Dream have to be pressured to answer the question.

"Are you not comfortable with it?" George asked.

"Oh no, I'm completely comfortable with the way we act with each other. But that's why I was embarrassed. I didn't want to admit that I was comfortable with us practically flirting with each other." Dream replied hurriedly.

George smiled, at least that wasn't the problem.

"You're embarrassed by how we act around each other?" George asked, just teasing Dream more.

"Techno acts like he's your dad, it's scary." Dream said. They both laughed at the thought of Techno being George's dad. The tension lifted from the air with their laughter. And Dream started to talk again.

"Well, now it's my turn to ask you. But uh, first I have to tell you something just to make sure." The tension came back into the air. "Go on." George said.

"Would you still be comfortable with me if I were bisexual?" Dream said. He really could have kept it a secret, but that would be unfair to George since he was able to pull off a huge lie.

"Why wouldn't I?" George asked.

Dream was baffled by the reaction, "You aren't bothered at all?"

George laughed, "if I were to judge you, I would be a hypocrite."

"What?" Dream asked.

"I'm gay, Dream." George said. Dream started to wheeze at the shock of the situation, causing George to laugh as well. That's when the realization hit the both of them. 'He could actually like me.'

Dream spent the rest of the phone call listening to George talk about his friends. He was really happy to talk about everything about each of them. Dream was getting dressed when he noticed that George wasn't talking about one of his friends as much. He was always in the background of the other friend's stories.

He seemed to always be with George, but he had no story himself. Dream didn't ask about him, it was probably more personal than George would want to go into.

Instead he spent the night at the skatepark trying to piece together the bits of him that George included.

"He was at the park with me when ----- showed up."

"------ told me that I talked when I slept. Then later he caught me cuddling up to him."

"------- was the one that helped me figure out I was gay. -------- also helped me gain confidence to ask out, uh him."

"They all got mad at me this one time because I snuck out of the party to look at the stars with him."

Dream assumed that it was one of George's past boyfriends. An ex, because he always spoke to him in past tense and he didn't meet up with him that day. Dream was thinking to hard to properly do anything that Techno had told him to do.

"Dream, usually you're a quick learner. You were able to land at least once yesterday." Techno stated. Dream was sitting down and he fell back on his back which made Techno flinch.

"I've been practicing complex moves for a week straight. I think I'm just tired." Dream replied. Techno nodded as he reached out a hand for Dream to take.

"Thanks Techno." Dream said, standing up.

"You're welcome, Dream. You'll probably have this move learned by the end of the week. But you should rest tomorrow." Techno said. Dream smiled. If he learned it by the end of the week, he could show George.

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