The Friendly Girl, Witch, and King

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No One's POV

In the Owl House Eda was in the kitchen looking through her spell book until she saw Luz peer her head over the book, "Sooo, are you going to teach me some magic?" Eda looked back at her spell book, "No." Luz groaned as she sank onto the table, "Why not." "Because you couldn't even deliver potions. What makes you think that you can handle magic." "I already said that I was sorry about that." Luz groaned some more for Eda to sigh, make a piece of paper appear, and look at Luz with a smile, "Tell ya what, I'll give you another chance. Go into the forest and get everything thing on this list. When you come back I may teach you how to make a potion." Luz became really excited to grab the piece of paper, and run to the door, "Thanks Eda!" Eda then focused back on the book to perform a spell. The vegetables on the counter came to life for Eda to say, "Now go into the pot." The vegetables instantly ran away for Eda to sigh, "Why does every spell fail the first time?"

An hour passed and Luz was in the forest as she had collected most of what was on Eda's list. She bent over to pick up a mushroom that had an eye on it. Luz threw it in her pouch as she gained a few chills. She then heard rustling to her right to see a mix between a wolf and a fox like animal. Luz instantly gained the face she makes around King as she took a step close to it, "Oh you look so cute." The animal quickly ran away for Luz to hold her hand up as she ran after it, "Hey wait a minute!" She chased after the animal for a while, "I'm sorry if I scared you!" A minute of running and she started running out of breath until she heard a loud clanging sound with whimpering following soon after in front of her. Luz quickly made it to the noise to see the animal's left paw in a bear trap. When the animal saw Luz it quickly started to try and get out, but Luz put her hands up a little to kneel down close to it, "Hey now, I'm not gonna hurt you." She was now close enough to get a good look at it.

It's body was a little bit smaller than a wolf's, but had the same amount of muscle mass, and it's body was somewhat slender like a fox's. It had a puffy tail, ears as big as a wolf's but shaped like a fox's. Its snout was just like a wolf's. Luz pried the bear trap open just enough for the animal to get its paw out. It was bleeding and it kept the paw up to not put pressure on it. Not soon after a man's voice was heard, "I think I heard the trap go off over here!" Luz started to panic a little as she gasped, "Hunters."

She looked at the animal's injury, then looked around, then back at the animal. She quickly picked the animal up and ran away. At the Owl House Eda walked into the living room, as King was on the couch. Eda looked around, "Shouldn't Luz of gotten back by now?" King shrugged for the front door to burst open for Hooty to close his eyes, "Owww!" Luz ran in sweating with the animal in her arms. Eda squinted her eyes at the animal, "I'm sure that wasn't on the list." Luz ran up to her, "He wasn't, but he's really hurt and needs our help!"

Eda crossed her arms to sigh, "Put it on the table." Hearing this Luz gently set the animal down on the living room table. Eda walked up to it to examine the animal. She saw its paw badly hurt and the scar on the side of it's face under the fur. She created a magic circle for the blood to disappear. She then looked at Luz, "Go get bandages out of the bathroom cabinet." Luz quickly got the bandages for Eda to wrap them around the paw, "There we go. Good as new." Luz looked at Eda, "That's it?" "What? Healing spells don't always work instantly. It should be healed by the end of the day."

The animal tried to get up, but Luz stopped it, "You won't be able to walk for a bit little guy. Just relax." The animal stayed still as if thinking as Luz sat on the couch. The animal gently jumped to land next to Luz as it snuggled close to her. Luz pet the animal for it to act as if though it had never been petted. Eda used magic to put on her lazy clothes, "You can't keep him." Luz quickly looked at her, "What?!" "I don't want to look after a wild animal. Too much mess to clean up. We already have Hooty." "Is there any way I can keep him?" "If he had of any use to me then maybe. But I already have most of what I need." Hearing this the animal lightly walked away from luz to jump off of the couch. A cloud of smoke then appeared for a teenage boy to appear with (H/C), (E/C), and (S/C). He had his left hand bandaged with the same scar as the animal's. Luz jumped back from the sudden boy appearing, "Huh-who-wha-" King quickly jumped into Luz's arms from surprise, "What is that!"

Meanwhile Eda's eyes were sparkling as she looked at the boy, "Oh Luz you have brought home one of the greatest things possible." Luz looked at Eda, "What?" Eda started examining the boy as he would try and keep his distance from her, "You are a rare sight to see." Eda then looked at Luz to gesture to the boy, "This is a Nature Walker. A nearly extinct species that nobody from the boiling isles has seen before." Luz looked at Eda, "Why?" "Well they just started going extinct. No one really knows why. But that doesn't matter, because we have one!"

Eda went to put her hand on the boy's shoulder, but he took a step to the right avoiding her, "Huh. I guess you don't like people touching you." Luz started calming herself down as she set down King, "Why are so excited that he's a Nature Walkers?" "Why I'm glad you asked. They can do multiple things for a witch. They are great at strong physical magic which makes them excellent bodyguards. They also have a lot of stored up magic that they get from nature, so with all of that extra magic they can give it to a witch making her stronger. And finally their fur helps make great potions. Oh and they can turn to animals but that's not important." "Why is any of that important? I thought you were the strongest witch." "Well yeah, but he makes it easier."

Eda then looked at boy, "So what's your name?" He looked at her with a blank stare for Eda to snap her fingers at him, "Come on speak up." The Night Walker kept silent for Luz to grab a piece of paper and pencil and hand it to the boy, "Here, use this to tell us." He took it to write on the paper using the table to write. He then showed the paper to the other three, to which they saw very scratchy hand writing that spelled "(Y/N)". Luz smiled as she held out her hand, "Well it is nice to meet you (Y/N)." (Y/N) looked at her hand confused as what to do with it. Luz pointed at her hand, "You're supposed to shake it with your hand. It's a greeting." (Y/N) shook her hand for Luz to smile, "There you go." It went on for a few seconds for Luz to look at the boy, "Okay you can let go now." Meanwhile Eda noticed that (Y/N) would let Luz touch him.

(Y/N) let go for Luz to put her hands on her hips, "So where do you live?" (Y/N) then drew trees on the other side of the paper and showed it to them for King to understand, "Oh you live in the forest." (Y/N) nodded for Eda to shake her head, "Well a young boy like yourself shouldn't be out there all alone. You should stay here." Luz looked at her, "Didn't you say that he couldn't stay?" Eda waved it off, "I said he could stay if he was of use to me, and he is." As she said that King climbed on top of the couch to point at (Y/N), "Listen here creature. I am the top dog around here, so you will take orders from me!" (Y/N) looked at him for him to tilt his head in confusion as he really did not know what King was. Or why he thought he was the one in charge when clearly the old witch lady was.

A few hours later (Y/N) was sitting at the kitchen counter eating the food Eda had given him as Luz was trying to make a potion. Eda was making her dinner as she instructed Luz what to do. Eda had her back turned to her. "And then add snake eyes into the potion." Luz grabbed the vial with snake eyes in it to start pouring them into the mix for Eda to hold up two fingers, "But only two." Luz froze with fear as she just poured half of the vial in. Eda turned around to see the mixture start bubbling over the pot. It then exploded creating a mess in the entire kitchen for Eda to of protected herself by creating a yellow bubble around her. Luz was behind the counter as (Y/N) had grabbed her and brought her down with King jumping behind him.

Luz stood up to look at (Y/N), "Thanks." (Y/N) nodded for King to jump onto the counter, "Yes you did good protecting me, your master." (Y/N) blankly stared at him to be brought out of it when Eda hit her staff against the floor for the entire kitchen to be cleaned. She then looked at Luz, "No potions for for a while." Luz hung her head, "Sorry." "Maybe you'll get it next time." With that everyone walked out for (Y/N) to sleep on the couch. Luz said goodnight to him as she went to her room. The night settled as everyone fell asleep letting their dreams wonder.

The Owl House x Male Reader (Luz and Amity)Where stories live. Discover now