End of POV

Leon: Alright, we got to get you do something good enough to have the people here gain trust in you.

Gaston: Ha. What makes you think doing simple stuff like this will make me a better person?

Ozpin: Well it doesn't matter how big or small the action is. As long as you have done something fortunate for a person or a group, you yourself have gain confidence and a sense of honor.

Gaston: Honor?

Leon: We heroes honor our values and beliefs but don't enforce them extremely. We hold these beliefs and values to help us be more confident and be more efficient in our time as heroes.

Ozpin: As long as you are trying, you are improving to be a better person.

Gaston: *Annoyed* Right, so trying is gonna help me?

Leon: As my old master once said, do or do not, there is no try.

Ozpin: Wise words from your master, Leon.

Gaston: Oh well, if it's good with you. So what do I have to do?

Leon: Well you can start by looking for a job.

Gaston: A job? What kind of job?


Mr.Krabs: Welcome to the Krusty Krab! How may I be of service to ye, Leon and Ozpin?

Ozpin: We were hoping you could offer this man here a job.

Mr.Krabs: Who the heck is he?

Leon: This is Gaston and-

Gaston: And I am in need of some, eh... employment. If you will.

Mr.Krabs: Well of course. That is of your Krusty enough. Har-har-har.

Gaston: Excuse me?

Leon: He wants you to take the employment test on how good you are.

Gaston: A test? I don't need a test to see how good I am. I was born good, and handsome.

Mr.Krabs: Look you want the job or not, pretty boy.

Gaston: (Frustrated) Fine, I'll take the test.

Leon: Good luck.

Gaston: Wait. You're not staying?

Leon: I got work to do.

Ozpin: And I need to get back to the paperwork on the new academy for heroes they're opening in Multiverse City.

They leave Gaston to his test with Krabs leading him to his office.

Mr.Krabs: Now, sit down and I'll show you the basics of working in this here fine establishment.

Gaston: Is there anything I should know about? Like, how to be ‘nice’ to your customers or something?

Mr.Krabs: Ah, I see you're catching on to something. Now listen up, boy. Business is cutthroat and cruel in the world of money- I mean economics. First, we need to teach you what to tell from a good paying customer, and a good for nothing cheapskate that tricks you into selling your stuff for only half off.

Gaston: What?

Mr.Krabs: Uh, anyways, forget what I said and pay attention to how me two employees do thier job.

{At the cashier}

Mr.Krabs: Now watch as Mr.Squidward here talks to the customer at the front.

Squidward: Welcome to the Krusty Krab. *Sigh* May I take your order?

Cartoon Universe: Season oneWhere stories live. Discover now