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Tw // h*mophobia, p*nic attacks, verbal ab*se

Amity POV

I was heading back to the manor after hanging out with Luz, Willow, Gus, King and Eda. We went to a fair and it was really fun but the different thing that's happening right now is that I'm actually dating Luz. After an awkward confession in school, I'm actually glad she felt the same! I'm literally the most, happiest witch in the boiling isles when I'm with her. Not just her obviously, willow, gus, king and eda too! I just hope everything will end up okay.


I opened the gates to the manor and the house. I was about to come inside when I noticed.

My mom was in the hallway holding my diary.

I thought I brought it every where with me but how did my mom got it? Who gave it? My mom turned her head, towards mine with a cold expression. She started walking towards me as I went inside.

"Amity? Where were you today?"
"I was just hanging out with Boscha, is there something wrong?" My voice started to crack at this point.

"I know you're lying to me amity. Your diary said everything about what were you going today" My mom looked at me furiously.
"And if you were wondering, your friend Boscha gave me this not to long ago"

I mean we did bump into her during the fair but..
Did she stole it? Or did it fell on the ground and she took it?

"And your telling me your dating with a human? The same human who destroyed the prison to free the prisoners and the same human that attacked emperor Belos?!" My mom raised her voice. I could feel my tears rolling down my face, every single part of my body is just frozen at this point. Can't move, can't run, I can't do anything but tremble.

"It's okay, your just confused sweetie! It's just a phase I mean-
A girl loving a girl? That's insane sweetheart. I'm sure we can deal with this somehow. My lovely mittens isn't a girl lover or kisser isn't that right mittens?"

My mom reached her hand on my right cheek. Before she made contact with it,

I accidentally slapped her hand away from me.

After those comments, hurtful, homophobic, rude comments I just snapped at her.

"NO! YOU KNOW WHAT MOM, I'M TIRED OF BEING ATTACHED TO YOUR STRINGS. So what if I am dating Luz!? That doesn't affect you at all!! And yeah, What if she's the person who attacked Belos!? Eda was about to be petrified when she's an innocent witch who's doing wild magic that doesn't evolve any harm!! I don't care what you say anymore! I'm tired living based on your expectations and hopes rather than living a life I always wanted!! So I. Don't. Care. About everything you say! YOU CAN CONTROL ME ANYMORE!! I DON'T CARE THE SLIGHTEST  OF YOUR OPINIONS ON ME BECAUSE GUESS WHAT?! MY FRIENDS AND LUZ IN GENERAL ACCEPT ME FOR WHO I AM AND LOVE ME FOR IT, IF YOU CAN ACCEPT IT THEN WHY DO YOU CARE SO MUCH OF MY PERSONAL LIFE!?"

After finally snapping at my mom, the anger I had turned into regret and fear. Her face was extremely red and upset. This has to be the first time ever I saw her face like that.

"HOW DARE YOU SPEAK TO ME LIKE THAT. THAT'S IT. I HAVE ENOUGH OF YOU. YOUR MANNERS ARE UNACCEPTABLE" she cast a spell circle which summoned an oracle ghost. The ghost grabbed my arm aggressively. It was gripping on my arm and it hurts alot. My bones can literally break from this.

She dragged me into my room and threw me in. I could barely move. I saw my mom standing in the doorway looking down on me angrily. She grabbed my face forcing it to face her and I saw her take her hand far away from me and immediately came into me lightning speed.

Help me..


I was just laying on my shared bed with amity. It was probably around 3am until I heard a lot of shifting around the bed.

I opened my eyes slowly and realized amity is crying.

"N-no.. Please.. Ah.. I-it hurts.. "

She's having a nightmare?
Oh god she's having a nightmare!

I slowly got to her side and began to wake her up.

"Amity wake up! "

"H-hah.. N-no.."

"L-let.. Go off me mom!.."

It isn't working! I hold her shoulders and shake her awake.

Amity's eyes shot wide open but she started sobbing. She looked really afraid after that nightmare. She was shacking violently and breathing heavily.

"I-i.. M-my mom.. S-s-she-"

Amity stuttered but I cut her off by bringing her in my arms warm embrace.

"It's okay Amy.. I'm here.. No one is going to hurt you.." I said softly in a comforting tone making sure I didn't startled her. I bought my hand to her hair and back and hugged deeper in her warmth. She brought her arms behind my back still shaking.

"L-luz.. I'm so sorry.."

"It's okay Amy.. Just breath.." We stayed in that sitting position for awhile as amity tries to calm down her breathing.

Around 15 minutes she started to calm down.

"Felling better mi amor?"

She didn't said anything, she just nodded while her face was on my chest. I was about to let go but her grip starts to tighten around my back.


"L-luz.. I-i-I know this is sudden but can we.. C-cuddle?.."

"If i'll cuddle you, would that make you feel better?"

"Y-yeah.. But it's okay if you-"
I dropped my body to the bed still hugging amity causing her to fall on top of me.

"L-lulu.. I'm sorry about waking you up this late.. I-i didn't mean it and I'm sor-"

"Hey Ammy.. Its okay mi Amor.. I'm just scared something happened to you." I wrapped my arms around her and started cuddling her and playing with her hair.

"Ammy.. I just want to let you know that I'm here okay? If there's something wrong you want to talk about then tell me okay? I love you with all my heart and I'll protect you from anything that hurts you or harms you either way. You're the reason why I'm happy till this day"

We were silent for a moment and she spoke.

"I-i love you, ..Lulu.. "

" I love you too, Ammy"

An. Sorry if this is kinda short and has a lot of mistakes. I'm on my bed, 11pm and my eyes are tired but hope you like it!

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