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Amity POV

I just recently finishes my exams to be only greeted with my parents being upset again over me getting a B- in one of my classes. I mean what did they expected? There are literally so much stuff that I had to study probably more than 5 chapters. We went back to the blight manor and we sat on the dining table.

We were in the kitchen talking.

"Amity? Can you explain the B- in your score? " My mom spoke with a cold dissapointed face, it brings a slight shiver done my spine.

"For the next exam, you should study harder before the rest of the students catch up to you, you know how it will affect the family name and your being in general"

"Y-yes mom" I stuttered.

"Good, now behave and study more" My mom left the dinning table leaving me and my father. I sat there in silence, I'm actually quite-
I'm very overwhelmed over the pressure my parents have to put me through. Although if I have to mention something, my mom has more control of this family for some reason. My dad never really complained or added anything about my scores. We don't even talked that often.

I used to be very close with my dad when I was little until my mom dyed my hair. Our connection weren't that strong as before.

In a moment of silence

"Amity?" My dad broke the silence catching me off guard. I manage to keep my composure and turned my head facing towards him.

"You did amazing in the exam, I'm very proud of you" My dad complimented me. As how long I can remember my mom never complimented me at all from a young age. Including my dad, apparently my mom did in fact forbade him to compliment me any means necessary because it would make me "soft". This was the first time in a long time my dad complimented me.

I bought my arms towards him in warm embrace.

" Thanks dad, that, means alot to me really... "

"I'm still amazed you were able to get this far mittens. I'm sorry we haven't spoke in awhile"

It was actually true, I could barely remember the last time we had a one on one conversation.

After a little chat with my dad, I went upstairs to my room to read more about "the good witch azura".

After half away in the book, my scroll vibrated. I summoned my scroll and my face went red.

It was Luz?

Luz : " Hey amity! Are you free today? "

Amity : "yeah pretty much"

Luz : "great! Can we meet at the owl house? Just to hang out! I also wanted to tell you something! "

My face was burning at this point, hangout? Oh my god-
If I were being honest, I've been really really falling for Luz ever since Grom.
I mean-
What are the things to not like her? There's none! She's just so cute and really oblivious but again she's probably going to be the best person you'll ever met and I can reassure you that.

Amity : "oh okay! I'll be there soon!"

I grabbed my boots and headed out. I was just about to touch the door until I noticed. Edric and Emira were just about to head out too, but what for?

"Come on Ed! Before we make them wait for us!"

"Just give me a moment Em! Shesh-"

They were whispering but yelling at the same time. I tapped my siblings shoulder which caught them by surprise they cast an illusion spell they were not there.

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