"Then who are you? What's the point of training to be a soldier if you don't think you can actually change anything?"

She took a sip from her water cup, not breaking eye contact with me. She leaned in close, a little too close for comfort, and simply stated, "I'm someone with nothing better to do."

She then leaned back into her chair, acting exactly as she had just described herself. This conversation was a game to her, just like everything else that surrounds her. 

"I don't care what kind of twisted bullshit you have in your head! I'm going to rid this world of all the titans" I nearly shouted, my voice dripping with aggression, "I'm going to kill them all."

She tilted her head down a bit, closed her eyes, and began to smirk. 

"What the hell is so funny to you, Denman? Why is devoting your heart such a damn challenge to you?" Frustration was irking out of me. If she hadn't been more-than-likely taller than me and able to hand me my ass, I would've punched her already, I guarantee it.

Her face remained stoic, with a hint of mischief glimmering in her eyes. She simply took another sip of water, and set the cup down.

She pondered at it for a few seconds, her left pointer finger resumed tracing the brim of the cup.

Finally, she began, "Nobody ever actually needs each other. We can all get by on our own, most just choose not to.

"There's no difference in how we die. We all, inevitably, will one day draw our last breath, and succumb to the numbness we've protested feeling our entire lives. Our bodies will lay cold, reduced to entities devoid of thought, of dreams."

"But we can make a change-- We can fix this world so that those who follow us never have to bear the same burdens." I stated, a knot that had developed in my eyebrows kept them flexed.

"Yeah, but who's to say you won't destroy the world in the process? You're so blinded by rage and hatred of an external force that you may cave in on what matters.

"So tell me, with the precious time you possess on this earth, do you think you're going to make a change? Do you think I'm going to make a change? No. We'll leave this world continuing the cycle of violence, unable to ever actually break the walls in which our contempt little society ordains by." She stared into my eyes once again, eliciting a scoff from me.

"You don't know what it's like out there with the titans, so stop spewing all this depressive bullshit! You're just repeating the same cynical crap over and over again!" I shouted angrily at her, turning more heads than before.

"Maybe once you stop making empty promises, I'll stop being brutally honest with you." She merely stated, then she stood up and got out of her seat, taking her tray and cup with her.

She disappeared into the sea of heads leaving the dining hall, and my eyes trailed her as she walked off.

What the hell was her problem?

Why make such big statements to someone on a second encounter? What did she even sort out to gain from that? 

Suddenly, Armin and Mikasa sat down beside me, breaking me away from my rampant train of thought.

I merely huffed at them, not really wanting to talk after that encounter with Denman.

"What happened, Eren?" Mikasa asked, as stoic and calm as ever. Her unwavering demeanor angered me at times, why couldn't she show some pitiful ounce of regard for the world in which she lives?

"That asshole is just an empty bastard with no goals," I growled, "She doesn't have what it takes."

Armin just stared solemnly back and forth at me and Mikasa. I don't think he knew what to say.

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