Count Your Blessings| Adam Ruzek (Voight!Reader)

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"It is exactly what it looks like, first Kim, then Hailey, now you've moved onto my daughter," Hank growled out. Making Adam flinch.

"Dad," You warned him.

"It's different with your daughter, I love her," Adam spoke, making something inside Hank snap.

"I've heard that before, they all say that, then they break her heart," Hank snapped.

Hank grabbed Adams shoulders, dragging him out of the bed and pinning him against the wall, knocking the wind out of him. Adam let out a grunt. Holding his hands up in surrender. Not that it helped him.

"Dad," You gasped out, quickly crawling across the bed to reach them. You tried to push your dad away from Adam but to no avail.

"I would never hurt your daughter," Adam gasped out. Looking at Hank with sincere eyes.

"Dad," You yelled again. Trying to get through to him. Pushing his chest back.

Hank shook his head from side to side. Not believing Adam's words. Jaw clenching, as he glared at Adam.

"End this relationship, before I end your career," Hank threatened. Making your eyes widen as well as Adams. Adam gulped. While you felt your heart plummet to your stomach.

How could he say that? You thought to yourself, as tears welled up in your eyes.

Hank pressed Adam even harder against the wall.

"Are we clear?" Hank shouted angrily. Adam nodded

"DAD," You yelled, voice cracking with heartbreak.

Hank let go of Adam. His eyes still locked on Adam's. Glaring at Adam. Hank turned his head to look at you. Heart hurting at your heartbroken expression, but he was trying to protect you from another heartbreak.

"I'm trying to protect you, y/n, Adam's not right for you," Hank shouted.

"It's different with Adam," You gasped out.

"I've heard that before, y/n, it all ends the same way," Hank huffed out. Making more tears fall from your eyes.

"Then who is good for me?" You sobbed out. Adam watched Hank and you silently, he wanted to comfort you but he was too afraid to move, he didn't want your dad, Hank to beat him up.

Hank let out a heavy sigh. Pinching the bridge of his nose in frustration. Having an inner battle in his mind about whether to accept this relationship or not. But he has seen too many of your relationships end badly, he just couldn't watch another relationship end badly, and hurt you again.

Hank ignored your question, looking back at Adam, giving him a deadly glare. Raising his index finger and pointing it at Adam.

"End this," Hank shouted, shaking his head and walking out of the room and your apartment.

"Y/n..." Adam started to say, slowly coming over to you.

"You are going to break up with me, aren't you?" You sobbed out. Numbly sitting down on your bed.

Adam sat beside you. His heart aching at the sight of you crying.

"Then we pretend we've broken up," Adam proposed. Making you turn your head quickly to look at him. Looking at him with a shocked expression.

"What?" You gasped out. Adam stared at you for a second. His hand resting on your thigh. While his other hand rested on your jawline.

"You give a whole sob story to your dad, about how I broke up with you because I didn't want to lose my job," Adam told you. Making your eyebrows furrow in confusion.

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