Pinky Promise Part 4

Start from the beginning

Pausing at the top of the steps she saw Daryl on the landing to the right sharpening a knife.  Smiling when he looked up at her she simply bid him goodnight and headed into her cell.  

A few moments after she settled into her bunk she heard a faint voice, "Night Beth."  Smiling she fell asleep.

The next day she found herself outside with Rick, Daryl, T-Dogg, and Carol getting ready to open the inner gate to bring their vehicles in from where they had left them between the inner and outer gates.  

Furrowing her brow she looked around for her sister and Glenn, "Where are Maggie and Glenn?  They weren't with Daddy this morning and they could be helping us when we gather the dead," she wondered, indicating all the scattered walkers still laying in the prison yard.

Laughing Carol pointed up towards the guard tower, "They're in the guard tower."

"The guard tower?" Rick questioned, "They were up there last night too," he stated.  Swinging her gaze up to the tower Beth narrowed her eyes as Daryl cupped his hands around his mouth and yelled their names.  

Ever so slowly she could see Glenn stumbling to the door as he came out onto the balcony buckling his pants, "Hey guys.  What's up?"

Rolling her eyes Beth was about to start yelling but Daryl beat her to it, "You guys comin?" he snickered, as the others laughed, "You comin or what?"

Seeing Maggie coming out of the tower with her shirt half off her shoulder Beth slapped her hand into Daryl's stomach, "Shut up, Daryl," she hissed before striding forward, "Margeret Ann Greene, if you don't get your ass down here right now I'm going in and getting Daddy's shotgun," she yelled up to the tower with her hands on her hips.  

Hearing the others laughing behind her she shook her head and rolled her eyes before turning around.  Her glare effectively cut off the others laughter, "Let's get the cars while we wait for them to as Daryl so eloquently put it finish comin," she smirked, striding off as the others burst out laughing  again.  

T-Dogg had just jumped out of the truck he'd been driving when Beth heard him call Rick's name.  Noting Rick moving to walk back up the hill Beth squinted against the morning sun and saw the two prisoners at the top of the fence.  

"Beth you and Carol get the other cars," Daryl instructed before striding up the hill behind Rick and T-Dogg.  Scoffing Beth turned towards Carol, "Come on Carol the little women aren't allowed to help the big strong men," smiling widely when Daryl glanced back over his shoulder at her and practically growled at her.

Sighing, she turned and walked with Carol back down the hill towards the cars, "You know you two are good for each other," Carol commented as they walked.  Furrowing her brow Beth looked at her, "What do you mean?"

Shrugging Carol smiled at her, "Just that who I met when I first met you both is certainly not who you are now.  Daryl, well he was a loose cannon never knew what would set him off, still don't half the time, but ain't no way in hell that man I first met would've let a 100 pound girl smack him in the stomach and let her get away with it just as you just did."

"And the girl you used to be, Beth, would've never been the one following them in to clear a courtyard full of walkers," Carol continued, "She would've never dared to argue with Daryl the way you do or made such a statement as you just did about your sister."

Swallowing Beth bit her lip as she studied Carol, "Why didn't you wake us up last night?"

Smiling Carol shrugged, "Because you two are good for each other," she repeated, "And maybe I wanted to give you a little push," she replied, winking as Beth opened the car door and climbed inside.  "It's not like that though," Beth told her as she turned the car on.

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