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Why does she do this to herself in the frozen tundra, hell on earth but only to find her parents, maybe she just wanted to prove something she can do, her love of her life, the dalmatian that the husky loves, even if she does only finds out what he means to her, she wanted to prove something to him inside, another part of her said it was too dangerous, a third part said again that he was by my side.

The husky and a dalmatian side by side alone in the frozen hell cold winds blow him around the dogs orhen no one knows where they are, cut off from the rest of their friends.

In this wasteland, not as snow, stones and ice without end, what she thought, just quickly to one of the most dangerous places in the world, with the Sahara and Antarctica, Antarctica was one of the colored places on the surface of the earth that is volcano not so dangerous because they don't always break out.

Nimmand will be able to help him, if a blizzard comes that would be sure to die, she has every risk to find out the truth, but what if there is still something important to endanger her current family, what use is it if she knows what happened to her family, to her parents, what good is it to her when everyone else is dead, her best friend skye, marshall her best friend, Chase, Rocky, Zuma, Rubble her current family, but when they are gone she doesn't know what she has to do.

The husky loves marshall inwardly but would never admit it, she would call them more like a brother and sister relationship, of a very special grave.

Ryder and the other pups are looking for Marshall and Everest but they have no clue what to do, they can't just leave their team members behind without them it would never be the same. Chase worries about his brother, Skye worries about her best friend.

Nobody knows what will happen next

Narrator: but I know

Has anyone asked you that, well, continued to see him

Chase and Skye are looking in one direction, Rocky and Zuma are looking in the other side, the rest of them are looking forwards and backwards, it doesn't work because the tip goes up.


-1945 Germany- end of the war-

* boom * explosion sound and the walls of the bunker wobbled and small stones fall from the ceiling.

The door of the bunker has been blown open and two huskies with purple fur come in, they were accompanied by other soldiers.

When they came in a great room that threw the principal room. a soldier threw a grenade in the direction of intruders, a little cat watched the whole thing, the grenade flew into a shaft and exploded as a result of this explosion part of the reactor was damaged and got hotter and hotter, it was really glowing, then everything was like in slow motion, the explosion looks beautiful all these colors.

The huskies and soldiers came before it all went off.

The little cat woke up to her paws glowing strangely, she has strange reactions to her, parts of her will always become duchlessig or starl hard, she swore revenge that her family, her owners died, what they did to her.


Do what you have to do to please your love of life, even if it means risking your own life, that is exactly what marshall will do even if it is more likely to be suicidal

Cold Winds a Paw patrol fanfiction

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