Estelle stuck her tongue out at Percy. "Let me paint your nails and I'll like you more."

"Alright, well, we should be going," Paul interrupted as he entered the room. He was peering at the watch on his wrist. "Our reservation is in ten minutes. Ok? Percy and Annabeth! It's nice to see you two again."

"It's nice to see you again, too, Paul," I said as we shook hands. Paul nodded at Percy, who was still upset about being Estelle's second favorite. "We'll take good care of Estelle, we promise."

"Yeah, we will, even though she likes me second best," Percy said with a frown as he pulled Estelle into his arms.

She giggled. "Let me do your nails then! And your makeup. I'll make you look pretty."

Sally laughed and planted a kiss on Estelle's cheek. Then she pulled me and Percy into another hug. Paul followed her example with Estelle and simply nodded at us.

"See you all later," Paul said as he placed a hand on Sally. "We'll be back in an hour, hour and a half tops."

"Call is if you need anything," Sally said. She gave Estelle one last kiss before rushing out the door with Paul.

"Now, can I make you look pretty, Percy?" Estelle asked, batting her eyelashes up at him. "Pleeeeease! Pretty please with a cherry on top?"

Percy sighed and reluctantly nodded. Estelle giggled and pulled Percy towards her room by the hand. "Am I not pretty already?"

"I'll start on dinner," I shouted down the hall as Percy and Estelle disappeared into her room.

Sally had left us her famous blue mac and cheese, which also happened to be Estelle's favorite. I started to heat up the mac and cheese as I heard giggling from Estelle's room.

Once the mac and cheese was done I headed down the hallway where Percy and Estelle were.

"Food's ready!" I called, my voice faltering. "Come eat dinner."

The door opened and Estelle rushed out, clearly forgetting about her conversation with Percy. Percy grinned nervously at me as he took my hand in his.

Percy's face was caked with little-kid makeup. He wore bright blue eyeshadow and showed me his blue painted nails.

"You look very pretty," I commented, trying my best to contain my laughter. "I really love the eyeshadow."

"Yeah, yeah. The food looks great," he told me as he planted a kiss on my cheek. "Now let's eat."

The rest of the night went by in a blur. Percy washed the dishes as Estelle painted my nails for me, claiming I needed them done for a special event. Then we watched Finding Nemo and Sally called us to check in several times.

"We're on our way home, but traffic is terrible," Sally groaned over the phone. Lots of cars beeping and honking was easily heard in the background. "I'm so sorry to keep you guys like this, Percy told me you two had plans...."

"Don't worry," I assured Sally as I peered down at Estelle, who was calmly watching the movie. "I'll just cancel our reservation, we can always make a new one."

Sally sighed. "I'm sorry, I feel so bad about this. And I know I rushed you to babysit tonight even though you were busy. Can I pay for your next meal, or—?"

"Sally, your kindness is enough," I replied. She laughed lightly. "Get home safe, we'll be here."

Sally talked to Estelle briefly before saying her goodbyes and hanging up. Estelle, now wide awake, peered at me, giggling evilly.

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