Chapter 3 - Bipolar

Start from the beginning

Yup, as I figured. They're hanging out. I have to give Shay my lame excuse about having to go back to the bakery and filling in some paperwork. But it's not like I can use that excuse for three whole weeks. My friends know how the bakery works. I have people doing most of the extra paperwork for me. It would probably take me at least two days to get through all the papers, and they're staying for three weeks.

God...what did I ever do to deserve this. Why can't they just leave tomorrow?

"Hello? Are you deaf?" Shay snapped her fingers in front of my face while I was in deep thought. "What? Yes. Wait, what no."

"Girl, did you forget how to speak? You're coming with us, right?" She asked again as she swiftly downed her water in one chug."No. I've got some work at the bakery. I can't." She emptied her bottle and threw it in her car since there were no recycling bins around. "C'mon, just go to work the next day. You're the boss, and no one can tell you when you can or can't work."

"Yea, well, the boss has due dates too. Some papers need to be signed before certain dates, so I can't. Just go without me and have fun. Plus, I think Mr. Rocktar, AKA Axel, has a little crush on you," I wink at her and point to Axel with my eyes as he dances with Aria but shoots glances at Shay every now and then. "What? Why would you think that?" she asks with a confused expression on her face.

"Please, he's been eyeing you up, and down the second he laid eyes on you." "Really?" She blushes. "Yup," I respond, popping the P.

"Hey, come join us here. You're missing out on the fun!" Axel yells cheerfully as he spins Aria in circles. They look so happy. I love seeing my friends happy. "Yea, we're coming now!" I yell as I grab my sister's hand and drag her along with me.

We dance and joke around while Aria and I technically push Shay towards Axel so they can dance together. She got annoyed a few times and sent us some nasty looks. But hey, we all know she's probably interested in him just as much as he seems to be interested in her. So let's just say we're doing her a favour whether she likes it or not.

Asia and Elec are nowhere to be seen...I think Elec had her chase him all the way down the hill. Or Asia being the horny bitch she is seduced him, and they're having some raw public sex right now.

Knowing Asia, she's probably having sex with him.

I glance at Zane to see what he's up to, but he had his phone up to his ear, talking to someone on the phone. Well, from the looks of it, more like yelling at someone on the phone.

He instantly hung up the phone and turned around with a frustrated look on his face. Once his eyes found mine, his expression softened, and he didn't seem as frustrated. I wonder who he was yelling at on the phone like that. Maybe his girlfriend?

I quickly look away, so he doesn't think I was watching him this whole time or anything. He's a very mysterious man. That's why I feel this sudden urge to want to know him. He doesn't speak much, and when he does, he barely says anything but a few sentences. I can't seem to figure him out. "Who wants to go for another drive?" Asia suddenly yells out of nowhere.

We all look her way to see her walking closely with Elec as if she wasn't threatening to kill him moments ago.

Yup, I'm guessing I was right. They probably had some raw sex near the bushes or something.

"Uhm, where were you guys?" Aria asks curiously. "Oh, we were- uh- well, we were just, you know, running around." Asia hesitates.

Yup, see, I knew it. I could tell by her happy mood and shaky legs. Well, they weren't literally shaking, but if you paid close attention, you would notice, which I think we all did from the smirk on everyone's faces.

"what?" she asks, looking at us as she tries to steady her legs. Elec puts an arm around her waist all of a sudden, which she smacks away. "How was the chase? I thought you were planning on killing Elec. but he seems perfectly fine to me." Axel responds as he sends a wink Elec's way, who rolls his eyes in response and changes the subject. "Anyways, another drive or no?"

"Yup, I'm down to watch my sister beat your asses in another race," I say with certainty in my voice. "actually, I was thinking maybe we could switch things this time. What if we went in different cars?" Elec asks.

"Oh, if that's the case, I'm in Shay's car," Aria blurts out with her hand raised in the air. "Me too!" the rest of them say at the same time, leaving Shay and I in shock. "So, where do I go?" I ask with a frown.

Axel clears his throat and glances towards Zane.

WHAT? IS HE SERIOUS? I was trying to avoid the guy. Now I'm forced to drive in a car with him. Alone.

Fuck my life.

"Well, it's not like we can just leave Z alone. Someone's gotta go with him, and you're left out, so run along." Axel says as he bops my nose, and I slap his hand away with a scowl. I look at my friends so that they can help me out here, but they were all too busy chit-chatting with each other.


I roll my eyes, turn away and walk towards Zane, who was busy looking down at his phone. I can't believe they'd do this to me. Aren't friends supposed to back each other up in situations like this?


Zane looks up from his phone as he notices a frustrated me walking towards him. He arches his eyebrow up and puts his phone away. "I'm sure I didn't do anything to upset you. So why are you giving me that look?" He asks as I stand inches away from him with my hands balled up into fists. "No, you didn't, but I just have to drive with you now."

"Well, believe me, darling, I don't bite." He winks at me as his lips pull up into a grin. "haha, very funny." I roll my eyes and fold my hands on my chest.

I don't even know why I'm taking my anger out on him when he didn't even have a clue about what happened. I guess it's too late now, so I've got to keep up with the attitude. "Why the sudden change of plans, though? why is everyone going in different cars?" he asks.

"Because your friends-" I point a finger at his face, "want to drive with Shay, which left me alone with you," I hiss, receiving an unpleasant look from him as he stares at my finger.

I guess he doesn't like when people point fingers at him or give him an attitude, but he seems to be dealing with mine just fine. And I couldn't care less if he liked it or not.

A slight smile stretches out on his face as he says, "Well then, it's your lucky day, love." Did he just- Did he just say it's my lucky day? Lucky day my ass. I just want to go home at this point, but thats not an option is it?

"I'd say otherwise," I uttered as I finally lowered my hand down to my sides. "And why is that?"

I bite my cheeks as I say, "because you're not very good at racing with cars."

"That's a cruel thing to say, sweetheart." His accent makes him sound ten times more attractive than he already is. Just Imagine hearing him-


I shake my thoughts off and respond to him with, "I'm a cruel woman." He shakes his head and tries to fight off a smile as he looks down at the ground.

I can't help but admire the sight. He looks good when he's smiling. He has one of those smiles that can light up the whole world. Though, he doesn't seem like he does it often. I wonder why.

He looks back up at me again and notices that I have a stupid smile on my face because of him. His expression softens, and we just stand there for a few seconds, staring at each other with complete admiration.

I know I said I wanted to ignore him and avoid seeing him, but I can't resist him right now. It feels as if I'm compelled to just stare at his beautifully sculpted sharp features and admire them.

Ugh, why am I so bipolar.

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