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after i woke up, i was still trying to catch my breath. Sally was just sitting there. I didn't realize at first, but when i completely woke up i wondered, why was she there, and how did she get here? I rubbed my eyes, to check if i was seeing things... and i was. Sally wasn't really there, was she?

I stood up and gave myself some time to think about what just happened, then i decided to get some water. I left my room and i bumped into some room service, i told her that my room doesn't need cleaning, i left quickly, i probably looked like i was in a hurry.

I was trying to look for the bar, but i couldn't even find the elevator first. I was running around, looking behind every corner and was trying to knock on the doors down the halls, 'cause i didn't know what time it was. I couldn't even get to my room, i was officially lost.

"Why the fuck are being so loud? i'm trying to get some sleep here, woman!" i heard someone say behind me. i slowly turned around to see a handsome young guy, with a black mullet with some pink in it. I think i had seen him once, in a gossip newspaper.

i saw right away that he wasn't trying to sleep in peace, he was trying to shoot shit up his veins. He looked at me with his piercing blue eyes, angrily standing on the other end of the hall. 

"Sorry, uh, i'm lost, i can't find the elevator". I felt embarrassed to ask him for help, but there was no one else around. He rolled his eyes and agreed to show me the way to the elevator. We got to the elevator, "damn, i totally checked this corner too", i thought to myself. i went in the elevator, leaving the pretty boy behind.

"Who are you, anyways?" i asked him, as he was already starting to walk away from me. He turned and looked at me, again. 

"I'm whoever you want me to be" he smiled. The elevator doors closed before i got to say anything back at him. I kinda giggled at the comment, and backed out, to bump into Sally, that was standing behind me, holding a cigarette.

"oh my gosh! you scared me to my grave!" i jumped, and laughed. Sally just looked at me with this mean look. 

"he's no good for you", she mumbled. Wait, how was she in the elevator, and how is the elevator still going down, even though i just wanted to go one floor down? I got spooked and took a few steps back, but she pulled me close with her left hand.

"promise me, you won't mess with him". Suddenly the elevator was falling down so quickly, i just saw flashing lights, panicpanicpanic.

"what the hell is happening Sally?!" i was on the edge of starting to sob because i was so scared and spooked. Sally came right in-front of my face and screamed

"promise me!" the elevator was now all black and all i could see was the light of Sally's cigarette.

"i promise, i promise, just stop this please!" and in the blink of an eye, it was over, everything was normal, have i gone crazy? there was a single tear, running through my cheek. I thought "fuck the water, i'm too tired", So i just went back to my room, saying nothing, to no-one.

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