Chapter 1. The decision

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- Fandral!- Hogun smiled, put his hand on Sif's waist. Fandral did not react. He silently sat down next to Volstagg at the table in a local tavern.- Oooh. Someone is not in the mood, huh?- Hogun asked.
- Nah, I bet he's fine.- Volstagg laughed and patted the warrior on the shoulder.
- Pff! Of course, I am!- Fandral snorted. But one quick glance at the warrior was enough for Sif to realise something was wrong. She did not know what exactly...
Fandral's heart skipped a beat. Trying to comprehend what he had just heard he stared at the thunderer, bewildered.
- Execution?- the warrior gasped.- You cannot... Y-you are kidding me, right?!
- Are you sure you are alright, Fandral?
- What makes you think, that I am not?
- Hmm, I-I don't know! Maybe the fact, that you are eating soup with a freaking fork?- Sif chuckled, raised her eyebrow.
- But, Thor... What about the trial? It...
- He deceived me, betrayed me, tried to kill me several times, tried to take over Midgard... The trial is just a formality!
- Fandral!- Volstagg stared worriedly at his friend.- Fandral. What's the matter?
- I said I am fine!- the Warrior shouted.
- Y-You... Did you just pour ale into the soup?- Hogun asked.- Seriously, man?!
- A formality?!- Fandral hissed.- There has to be a reason... Loki could never...
- I've made my decision! The execution will take place in a matter of days.- the thunderer said.- And it's not discussed!
Loki was sitting on the cold, dirty floor. Lonely. Unwanted. Abandoned. But not broken! Exhausted. But not broken yet!
- Fandral! Please, forgive me, Fandral!
- It is too late!- Fandral yelled.- I loved you! I fucking loved you!- he sobbed.- I thought... I was naive enough to think, that my love was mutual! I was naive!
- Fan...- Loki put his hand on Fandral's shoulder.- Sweetie, please! Let's start...
The Trickster sobbed. He had never felt so lonely in his whole life. He struggled to stay awake but failed. Scared, lonely, broken, Loki falls asleep on a cold floor.
- Fandral, wait.- Sif yelled, grabbed his shoulder; the warrior stopped abruptly.
- What?!- he hissed, avoiding Sif's gaze.
- Look at me!- she stared into his eyes.-Hey! Tell me what's wrong.- Sif begged.
- You...- Fandral paused, made sure the corridor was empty.- Loki is going to be executed in a few days and now you are asking me what is wrong?- he shouted.- Sif... Are you fucking mental?! Are you?
- What did you say?- Sif asked. Fandral lowered his eyes, silently.- You're being ridiculous. If anyone ever dared to lay a finger on his precious little brother,- Sif paused for a few seconds.- Fandral, you don't think... You know Loki, you know him even better than he knows himself!
- Yeah but I also know Thor. So, if Thor said Loki will be executed... No one will ever be able to talk him out of it. This is a deadlock, Sif! No one will be able to...
- No one, except for us!- Sif whispered.-Look, even though I almost never show it, even though Loki is annoying as fuck most of the time... We are still friends...
And true friends don't leave each other!
Loki leaned his head against the wall as he stared at the approaching silhouette.  He struggled to stay awake, but his eyes  closed against his will! Hated... lonely...  Without friends... And without Fandral by his side... now, he is broken. Or is he not? Fast asleep, he didn't hear it when somebody opened the door. Neither did he see, that it was... that it was Fandral!

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