6- Oops

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Once i was up both kaito and Kokichi stared directly at me but my expression was as dumbfounded as ever.

"Why are you guys yelling!?"

"Im not yelling" kokichi stated

"I literally heard you yelling and what are you even doing here??"

"Oh i just took a walk like usual but came across you with kaito being side by side of each other so thought why not take a peek"

"Huh?" I was confused of what he was trying to say

"What are you talking about kokichi i was not even close to (y/n) i was in the restroom-" kaito innocently lied

"Yes you were i saw as you were about to k-" kaito gets close to kokichi and covers his mouth putting his arm around him

"What kokichi is trying to say is that i was waiting for you to wake up so we could get in the pool together" kaito smiled sarcastically trying cover up about the fact that he was so close to kissing me but since i didn't know i just thought that they were typically acting very suspicious. I looked at them with a very suspicious look but just decided to brush it off.

"So are you gonna get in the pool?" I questioned kokichi

"Nah I'll just be here to see if anything suspicious happens" he makes eye contact with kaito but kaito looks away.

"Fine whatever" i go into the pool. Me and kaito were playing with a beach ball inside the pool by passing it to each other while kokichi was just laying in the long chairs. I felt a little uncomfortable because all he was doing is watching us but i ignored it. Kaito decided to have a swimming competition i thought that this was a great idea because i would get to practice my swimming skills since i wasn't very good at it. I gladly accepted so we started at the count of 3.

"1, 2, 3!" He yelled we both started swimming really fast. I swam at the speed of 100% like no joke i was going super fast that i didn't realize something slipped off.... I touched the end of the pool and jump in joy knowing that i had won because kaito was behind.

"I win!" I screamed loudly

Kokichi took a sip of water but as he looked over at me he spit the water instantly making his eyes widen and his mouth open.

"I won kokichi isn't that great!" I say eagerly but all he did was keep staring at me but why?? Kaito touched the end of the pool and put his head out of the water "(y/n-" he stopped before finishing my name he quickly covered his eyes while being super red.
"(Y/n) y-your top fell off" he said stuttering.

"What are you talking abo-" i look at my chest and to my surprise he was right....i had no top on.... My eyes winden i started freaking out that i quickly cover them with my hands cagada. I scream getting out of the pool rushing to the restroom.

I go to the restroom half crapped myself because they both saw me... Please kill me now i feel like im gonna die of embarrassment! I mean yeah at least not everybody saw it but it still embarrassing being it just them. Why did this have to happen me! It was suppose to be a relaxing day just me having a nice time but noooo i couldn't even have that! I start crying in the restroom from embarrassment but suddenly i hear knocking in the door.

"Hey (y/n) you forgot ur top in the pool" kokichi claimed

"(Y/n) it's okay we won't tell anyone!" Kaito exclaimed

"Leave me alone! I wanna be alone!"

"Fine im leaving" kokichi said while kaito just stayed quiet....

15 minutes have passed and i had already changed i felt a little better but still sad. I finally had the courage to get out of the restroom, I opened the door and saw kokichi still waiting as i was about to go back inside pretending i didn't just see him kokichi says something

"I was waiting for you"

"I thought i told you to leave didn't you say you were leaving!" My tone got higher

"That was obviously a lie"

"Whatever im leaving" i say but he grabs a hold of my arm before i leave.

"Let go!" He pushes me back making me be a few inches away from him.

"Hey i waited for you are you really gonna make me wait again?"

"Uh-" i couldn't word out anything at that moment just that i felt butterflies in my stomach

"(Y/n) i won't tell anybody that i saw your big bOoBs today so the secret would stay between us but the thing that angers me is that kaito saw them too but don't worry im pretty sure he won't tell anybody" .....

Big boobs??? Is he that much of a pervert that he didn't want no one else to see them and just him!? Geez! I roll my eyes overreacting in my head.

"Let's go to our dorms it's late already" i try to forget what he just said following his lead and as we're walking i felt happy he actually waited for me i was thankful he did. He grabs my hand making our hands hold each other this was a really good feeling so i smiled to myself but the thing that i didn't get to see is that he was also smiling. He then leaves me infront of my dorm watching me go in safely.

Once i was fully inside i throw myself in bed, even though today wasn't the best i felt happy that i got to hold kokichi hand I'll just try to forget everything else.

The next day~

I wake up by hearing someone knocking on my door. I get up open my door and see kaito? " Kaito *yawns* what is it?"

"Oh about yesterday im sorry about what i saw it wasn't my intention i promise i won't tell anybody! I will keep it a secret!"

"Is fine i guess i just got so caught up with the competition therefore i went super fast not even noticing my top fell off but forgot about it's in the past so please forget what you saw!"

"Uh well i can't lie and say i didn't see anything-" i look at him intensely
"Okay okay I'll try to forget what i saw"

"Alright know can u let me sleep i don't get why u came so early"

"Ah yeah I'll leave see u later" he goes on his way so i go back to sleep..

In Love with Lies(kokichi x reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt