4 - Catching Feelings

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So as i was concentrating really hard on cleaning i heard munching behind me. I turned around to see kokichi eating a bag of  chips while just laying in his bed while still keeping a hard eye watching me. I tried to ignore and kept sweeping.

Some seconds later (literally!)

"Oh my god i dropped my bag of chips!" He whined

"It's okay I'll clean it" i say trying to sound the nicest as possible when i feel anger inside.

"Oh why thank you (y/n)" he smiles all happy.

I go closer to where he dropped them and bend down. While i was bending down i felt something grab my butt, and that gave me chills.

"Oh sorry my hand slipped" he said trying to act as if he didn't just touch my butt. I clean up the chips and decide to let that one slide, i pick up the bag from the floor and once again i continue sweeping.

0.05 seconds later~

"Oh crap im so sorry i dropped my candies over there"

Anger filled inside me that i just snapped. Know that's it! I've had it! I walk up closer to his bed and start yelling "IS EVERYTHING YOU DO AN ACCIDENT OR WHAT!? ARE YOU-" i take another step forward but accidently slip on the candies that were in the floor making me fall on top of kokichi.

We both looked directly into each other  for a few seconds. This made my heart flutter knowing that this situation looked like i was pinning kokichi down in bed.

"(Y/n) if you wanted to do this kind of thing since the beginning why didn't you say so" he grins

"Uh is not-" i try to get up but he was holding me tight not letting go

"You know if you keep provoking me i might wanna do other things" he moves my hair in the back of my ear. "Kokichi i-" he puts his finger infront of my lips making the shh sign and smiles.

"Will save this for next time" he winks  finally letting me go.

I immediately forget that I was cleaning and leave his room running. Why is my heart beating so fast!?

"She's so cute" kokichi says as he sees me leave running.

"Oww" i bump into someone making me fall down in the floor.

"Oh (y/n) are you okay sorry i didn't see where i was going" kaito reaches out his hand to help me get up.

"Uh no i-it's fine"

"Also (y/n) why are you so red? Do u have a fever" kaito puts his hand on my forehead but i just shake my head meaning no.

"I uh gotta go bye!" I run to my room still embarrassed.

"What's up with her?" Kaito has a confused face.

As i lay in my bed in my room I keep remembering how i was on top of kokochi that memory just keeps popping out in my head, it makes me feel so nervous but somehow happy.... "Wait why am i happy!!" I yell and throw my pillow so hard making it go straight to the tv making the whole tv fall....Oh crap....😰I just destroyed the whole tv!!! *big thump*

Person next door to my room (kaito)

"What the hell was that!??"

"Oh crap oh crap" i start freaking out thinking of what to do next i just destroyed the whole tv....  "I hope no one heard that-" as i said that i hear someone knock on my door.

"Ah yes" i open the door very little that you only see half of my face "uh is everything okay??" Kaito questioned "yes why do you ask" i sweat nervously "well i heard a big thump"

"Im sure it's nothing-" he slides my door all the way open and sees a broken tv in the floor.

"What the hell happened here!?" 

"Uhh...." I didn't know what else to say so i guess you could say i explained everything to him on how i felt my heart flutter for kokichi and the situation we got in... So we were basically know sitting in my bed side by side.

"So what your saying is you got feelings for kokichi!?" He starts laughing

"H-hey is not funny! And i don't like him!!"

"Oh really then why are you all red!"

"Huh im not-" i go up to my mirror to see myself and yes i was actually red.

"I- no i don't!!"

"Alright don't have to yell dude but that's crazy why out of everybody here do you like that crazy bastard i mean there's me but whatever" he just let out a big sight

"I said i don't like him! And i don't know he's a really interesting person and even though he might be a little crazy I've found myself being attracted to him"a big grin comes to my face while kaito had a shcoked expression on his face from hearing me say that.

"Your both crazy"

"Huh no im not!" I hear another knock from my door? Now who could it be? I go open it and it was kokichi!? Once again i feel my heart beating super fast just as i see him right infront of me. He notices kaito was on my bed sitting down and he pouts making a flustered face.

"Huh!? Why is kaito in (y/n)!!" He yells right in my face.

"Chill bro i was just having a nice talk with (y/n) plus why are you even coming to her room!?" Kaito raises an eyebrow containing some hard eye contact with kokichi

"Well i came to see her of course!"  He came to see me!? I felt happy when he said but then he said "it's a lie" 😐 talk about getting heartbroken for a couple of seconds.

"Also why is there a broken tv in the floor"

"Oh about that i threw a pillow at it really hard making it fall"


"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh-" i get interrupted

"Monokuma!" Kokichi called out for monokuma to come out and fix my tv.

Some time later~

After that both kaito and kokichi left but was really weird is that way they were acting. Both of them kept fighting for the littlest things plus they kept arguing as to why both of them were literally sitting down so close to me. Night time eventually came so they both left still fighting on there way out of my room i just rolled my eyes of how childish they were acting.

Next chapter "Love triangle"

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