The Royal Bachelorette Party (Goldycorn with a hint of Tyan)

Start from the beginning


Goldy opened her eyes, and stared at Tina.

"Why did you stop?" Goldy asked, confused.

"You're crying," Tina said simply.

Goldy reached up to her face.



She was crying.

"I am okay, don't worry," Goldy did her best to reassure her friend.

"If it gets too much, tell me to stop, okay?"

"I will, do not worry."


Ryan and Goldy had arrived in the great hall now.

She turned to face Ryan, and a smile crept across her face as she realized he was looking for someone, scanning the room of guests.

"You should ask her to dance," Goldy said, causally.

Ryan's focus snapped back to Goldy. His eyes were wide. "Wh-what?"

"Tina. You should ask her to dance at the reception tomorrow. I'm sure she would appreciate it."

"My queen, I mean no offense, but she is the Royal Sorceress. I am merely the Head of the Royal Guard. It wouldn't be acceptable. She greatly outranks me."

"Are you saying it is improper of me to wed my fiancé?" Goldy teased.

"That's different."


"You are the queen, you can tell anyone what to do, and they must listen. Who you date is up to you, not up to the role you have in this world."

"Everyone must do anything I ask of them?"


"What if someone refuses?"

"I shall enforce your commands myself, should such an occasion arise, though I highly doubt it will."

"Wonderful!" Goldy clapped her hands together. "Then, as your queen, I request that you ask our Royal Sorceress to dance tomorrow."

"My queen! I-"

"You will, yes?"

"I-I suppose I must, mustn't I?"


When Goldy opened her eyes again, it was because Tina had pulled away. Her face bright pink with blush. It was the first time Goldy had seen the girl so flustered since they were children.

"He was going to ask me to dance?" She asked, timid. How odd for someone so normally filled with complete confidence.

"Yes. I had him promise me."

"Goldy! We have to get you married!" Tina exclaimed, passion sparking in her eyes.

Goldy's jaw clenched. "Best hurry up then." Her voice returned to the sincerity that had been their since she had woken to terrible news earlier that morning.


"My queen."

Goldy huffed, she recognized that voice. She had only just sent Ryan off on a quick errand. Of course, the man had probably been waiting for Ryan to leave. Goldy suppressed a groan of annoyance and an eye roll as she turned around.

"Sabre!" Her voice was filled with fake happiness. "Tina told me you weren't going to come!"

Tina had indeed said Sabre wouldn't be there. Specifically, Tina had said Sabre wasn't invited.

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