Nerd & Popular Kid AU - Annyeongz

Start from the beginning

"Ah, sor- sorry I didn't- argh."

Yujin imitates Wonyoung. "You're cute."

Wonyoung lets go of Yujin, just holding on to her hand now, and they walk to home.

Because Wonyoung's house is closer, Yujin gives a small wave. "Can you please stay over, even if it's just for a little while?" Yujin shakes her head. 

"I wish. I'm really sorry Wonyoung. I'll see you tomorrow though?"

Wonyoung pouts. "Okay. Text me later though."

"I will. See you!"

"Bye." Wonyoung returns the wave and tries to shake the feeling of betrayal and being alone.


Wonyoung leaves early to walk with Yujin to school, and Yujin drops off Wonyoung after school. Occasionaly, Yujin will find a box or a bag with flowers or something and endures yelling from her mom for the burst of happiness she finds in those flowers. Occasionally, Wonyoung will find a note in her locker from Yujin talking about how boring algebra was and always ending with a "Love, Yujin" that never failed to make Wonyoung's heart flutter.

Neither knew what was happening to them, but both loved it.


"Ah!" Wonyoung squeaked at the sound of thunder. The rain was coming down hard, too hard for Wonyoung's umbrella. Both Yujin and Wonyoung ran to Wonyoung's house soaking wet.

They burst into the house tracking mud on the floor, but laughing their heads off.

"That was absolutely fantastic!"

"I know, did you hear how high your voice got?"


They continued the friendly banter until they got to Wonyoung's room.

Suddenly, Yujin's face paled. "Oh no. Wonyoung I really have to go. My mom is going to murder me."

Wonyoung turned around, and desperately tried to come up with an excuse for Yujin to stay. "W-wait, er you'll... c-catch a-a cold in the rain though."

Yujin just looked terrified now. "What do I do?!"

Wonyoung, taking a minute to think, said, "Text your mom that there's an extra credit science project and you might end up staying over tonight."

Yujin gave Wonyoung a quick, relieved hug that totally didn't make Wonyoung's heart flutter and whispered a rushed "thank you" before wiping rain water off her phone and rapidly typing.



"Alright, do you want to shower first or should I?"

"You should, I need to see my mom's reply."

Nayoung quickly showered and threw on some shorts and a t-shirt.

"Yujin! Your turn! Oh jeez, I need to find some clothes small enough for you."



Wonyoung threw her smallest shirt, tightest shorts, and hugest sweatshirt just for fun into the bathroom, but was not prepared at how big the clothes were for Yujin. She blushed and scowled when she came out, but Wonyoung giggled at how her sweatshirt went almost down to Yujin's knees and gave her some pretty severe sweater paws.

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