Chapter 7: Picnic

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'Ew!' Bonnie shrieked.

Laughing, I leaned forward for Devon's savoury scone.

We all talked and laughed, mainly at how slow I ate, the inside jokes they had which they told me, TV shows, the movies and trying to get as many food we can have before Harry and Rupert ate them all.

'There's so many scones.' I laughed.

'British pride!'

'I love these meat balls.' Dan took his I-don't-how-many-th one but those words got drowned by Devon's, 'All we need is some tea and we'll have Afternoon Tea!'

'I there were some inside.' Bonnie stated. 'I was drinking one while I was waiting!'

'I love these -'

'Am I the only one who prefers coffee?' Matt said.

'Yep.' Emma popped the 'p'.


'THANK YOU DAN!' I said and burst out laughing because... I did.

'You laugh a lot.' Tom commented suddenly.

'Is that bad?' I asked, looking at him.

'No, not at all.' He smiled.

There was a weird silence around the others.
'Why did you go quiet all of the sudden?'

'I don't know...' Dan was obviously trying to hide a laugh. I raised my eyebrows at him.

'What is it??'

'I don't know!'

'You know something!'

'Do not!'

'Do too!'

At that moment, there was a loud ringing right next to me, making me jump. It took me few seconds to realise that it was my phone.

'Right - I'll be back in a minute.'

I seized my phone and walked away few yards and answered it.


The person on the other side of the phone started to talk in another language.

'Uhh I think you've got the wrong number.'

They laughed. 'It's me, Sakura.'

'Oh!' I gasped. 'Kosuke! Hi!'

'Hey.' He said between chuckles. 'How are you?'

'I'm great thanks. You?'

'Yeah I'm fine.' He said. 'I heard that you're back here again.'

'Yeah but I'm in London. Well, I think I will be anyway.'

'I know, so am I.'


'I moved straight after you left.'

'Did you?'


'We have to see each other again!'

'Yeah definitely. That's why I called you, actually.'

'What do you mean?'

'Do you wanna catch up next weekend or something? I mean, my parents want to see you again too so. If you're coming Akihiro, Kanae, Hana and Keita will be over too.'

'Oh awesome! I'd love too!'

'That's good 'cause they really wanted to see you again.' He laughed.

'Sakura! Hurry up!' Emma yelled.

'One more sec!' I yelled back. 'Sorry I'm in a break but it'll end in about ten minutes so talk later?'

'Okay, yeah sure. Your email address hasn't changed, right?'

'Nah it hasn't.'

'Okay cool I'll email you tonight or tomorrow.'
'Awesome. See you soon!'

'Yep, bye!'

I quickly cut the line and hurried back to the others.

'Who was that?' Dan asked me.

'Oh - a friend from Japanese school in Yorkshire.'


I nodded and quickly took few chocolates before everything was gone.

We were there for another five to ten minutes until the bell rang to signal the end of lunch break.

'It's just like school.' I said to Emma as we all quickly packed up.

'Duh, we're at Hogwarts.'

I laughed. 'Of course.'

'Is that comfy?' Bonnie asked, nodding to the robes.

'It actually is really comfy.' Emma said.

'I wouldn't mind making this my night gown.'
'We totally should do that when we finish like the last book! Whenever that's going to be filmed, that is.'

'Oh gosh yes!'

'You guys are crazy.' Rupert shook his head.

'Everyone's crazy!' Bonnie said turning around.

'Yeah yeah, whatevs.' He rolled his eyes.

We raised our eyebrows. Us girls turned back around and didn't walk five steps when the boys decided that it'll be hilarious to seize our bags out of our hands and run off. Tom had mine, Dan had Bonnie's and Rupert had Emma's. Harry, Devon, Matt and Alfred followed them, cheering and roaring with laughter. Bonnie, Emma and I screamed after them but laughed at the same time as we ran after them, back into the studio.

By my Side ~ Tom Felton fanficTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon