#27 - Study tips!

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I need your tips on how to revise without ending up doodling pictures of flowers. Also any food and drink to help me concentrate would be great!!!

- Easily Distracted


It's exam season for me, and so I can completely relate. I'm actually supposed to be studying now. Meh. Economics can wait.

Studying is the most annoying thing you have to do, but I guess the thing is you have to do it. Here are some tips to help you:

1. Be physical

Studying does require you to use a lot of mental energy, but sometimes your body gets bored and wants to move (hence you begin to fidget or doodle or whatever). I think the best way to avoid losing concentration is to study in ways that require you to kind of move your body.

What I mean is, just sitting there and reading notes won't help.

You can take notes while you study (I do!). Also, highlighting as you read, making flash cards etc is a good way to keep your hands busy so that you don't switch off - as opposed to just sitting at your desk and just reading.

2. Make a timetable

Plot your own timetable so that you know exactly what you're going to study and for how long. This way, you know exactly what you need to do, which makes you more focused.

What works for me is studying for 40 minute with a 20 minute break in between. I don't know what works for you, but you've got to ensure that you set yourself enough time to read a sufficient amount but not too much time that you lose out. Your breaks should be long enough to eat or rest or watch some television; but not too long (as you'll just switch off altogether). They shouldn't be too short either because you need to give your brain a rest.

3. Make a checklist

One thing I usually do that really helps is that I list down all the topics that I do for all my subjects and pin the lists up on my wall. Then, when I've completely revised a topic, I tick it off.

I think it's the best thing in the world, to be honest. That's because it gives me some sort of motivation. The more items I've ticked off:
- the fewer the topics I've to study
- the more I feel ready for the final exam
- the more motivation I have to finish off the list

It also acts as a visual aid for me to see everything that I'm supposed to know for my exam because in class sometimes everything seems disjointed; so it's a good way to connect the dots.

You can simply print the syllabus of whatever you're doing off the internet, or you could ask your teacher for the course outline.

Anytime I get distracted while studying, I just see the checklist in front of me and I remember what I've got to do to get those grades I want!

4. Motivate yourself

What quite a few of my friends do is that they'll reward themselves on the conditioned that they've studied whatever they needed to. For instance, "I'll watch the new episode of Scandal when I've read all my notes on digestion." You could set yourself targets and when you meet them, you can reward yourself.

That doesn't work for everyone though (especially me, haha). Sometimes I get lazy and end up watching the episode and procrastinate the revision😂 don't do that though!

5. Keep away your distractions

I'm sure you knew this one was coming. If you know you are easily distracted by your phone, laptop, iPad, etc; they should not be anywhere near you while you study. It's best to put them completely out of sight. Like I'll leave my phone downstairs (and on silent!) and study upstairs, in my room.

6. Listen to some music

I know this may contradict to my last point, but if listening to music isn't a distraction, then go for it. I often study with my headphones on, listening to the music on my iPod. What you can do to prevent yourself constantly unlocking it to choose the song is to create a playlist that you'd like to study with. I think headphones/earphones help, because you can't hear anything that's going on outside and stuff so you're absolutely focused.

Food and Drink

Obviously I'm not an expert on nutrition and stuff but I've a few suggestions on what you could eat.

- fish, omega-3 supplements, and/or basically stuff high in protein
I'm sure you've heard people say that fish makes you smarter. I won't go into the science of it, but it does.

- take full meals
You need your breakfast, lunch and dinner.

- avoid junk food

- take fruit juice, smoothies etc

- veggies and fruits!

- water
Drinking water while studying helps. Also, take a water bottle with you while you're in the exam room.

- apparently chewing gum helps you concentrate

- the Internet says coffee...hmm...I don't know...

Lastly, I'll tell you my secret. Chocolate. I take it while studying, and also before any exam that I'm doing. Science proves it's amazing for your brain!


Hopefully I've answered your question. I guess you just need to keep yourself motivated; remind yourself what you're working towards. Plus, I almost forgot. Make your notes fun, simple and colorful so that when you're revising, it's easier to understand. Draw diagrams and all that smack. Good luck!

- genie_us xx

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