16-Wavering Feelings-

Start from the beginning

" She's not yours ... *snore* " Sting talked back .

" Yes she is and don't try to snatch her away or i'll ... Kill you . " He whispered to his ears . I shivered . Then what we could hear was only Sting's snoring . I handed Rogue the keys and he opened the door . He pulled Sting in by the collar and he threw him on the bed . I sweatdropped .

" I'm going to buy medicine for that idiot . If not he's going to die from headache when he wakes up . Take care of him but don't get too close with him okay ? " Rogue smiled and glared at him when he said the last sentence . I nodded my head and smiled back . When he left , i stared at his room . It was neat and clean . I didn't expect that .

" Lucy .. " Sting mumbled again . Was this the reason why the staff at the club called me his girlfriend ? His phone slipped out of his pocket and i took it out of curiousity .  I wonder what is hidden inside . I opened the his message, i feel guilty for doing this but... I read through the people he messaged .

They are all from Sabertooth High i think .. I pressed Minerva's message first .

// Sting ! You bastar- //

I bet its all scoldings , so i stopped reading . Then i moved on to the next one , Yukino .

// Yukino , i can transfer back to Sabertooth today . Meet you at the usual place ! //

// Hehe , Sure ! Welcome back ! //

// I've reached , where are you ? o.o //

// Look behind ! :b  //

I'm sure they had fun , their reunion . Yukino would tackle him into a hug from behind than Sting would turn back , their eyes meet and they'll start to close their gap between the faces and they'll ... Kiss .

Just thinking of that makes me wanna cry .

// Wanna go on a date tomorrow ? //

// Yes ! Where should we meet ? //

// Outside your house . I'll be waiting , at 2pm . //

// Okay ! See you ! //

I didn't want to continue reading so i stopped there and closed his messages . But just now Sting said that Yukino and him broke up . Is that true ? I opened their messages again but skipped to the latest one and started reading .

// Yukino , i'm sorry but we're breaking up . Its not your fault . Its just mine . When i transferred school , i met a girl named Lucy Heartfilia . At first , i wanted to tease her . Just the usual bad boy i am . Then i saw her crying because of another guy . I comforted her and stayed by her side . Then i realized i really like her , i confessed . But she didn't answer me . I know , that time we still haven't broken up so its all my fault . When you cleared my misunderstanding on you and Rufus , i transferred back to Sabertooth just for you . But theres a problem , i keep thinking of her everyday . I miss her , alot . I really love her . Its only less then a week of me meeting her but i already fell for her this much . I know i met you for like 1 year , but i guess that feeling is only treating you like a sister . After 5 months , i saw her with my best friend . They said they were in a relationship . I was angry , sadness were building up . As well as jealousy . I love her to the point im not even myself anymore . I'm sorry Yukino .   //

// Sting , actually i wanted to break up with you .. I felt that you were just a brother to me . Luckily , now you said to break up . Okay , i agree . But lets continue to be as friends okay ? And can we be not blood-related sister and brother ? xD Lets forget about all the kisses and hugs we've shared .. #'_'# Good luck with Lucy ! //

My tears were already dripping down my face , i tiltled my head up a little to stop the tears . But it was no use , i started to wipe them off .

" Blondie , why are you crying ? Ah shit headache . Ouch . " Sting sat up and looked at me while rubbing his forehead . I missed that nickname . With his voice .

" Sting , i'm sorry .. I read t..hrough ... your messages . The one with Yukino . " I tried wiping off my tears but they just kept falling .

" Huh what ? " He said in surprise .

" I'm sorry .. " I apologized again . I'm not crying just because of this . Its because ...

" T-Thats fine , but why are you crying ? "

" I was touched ... I didn't know you love me this much ! But its already too late , i'm with Rogue ... I don't want to hurt him ! "

" Oh ... "

" I'm sorry , Sting . I need to go back and think through things again . " I stood up but he hugged me from the back and i fell to his lap .

" Lucy , its okay . We'll be together at the end . I will wait for you , for that one day you muster up your courage and say that you love me to Rogue . " He whispered into my ears , still not letting me go .

" I-It will take long . I'll be going .. Help me say sorry to Rogue ." I smiled sadly . He nodded his head and let me go .

" Bye . "

When i was downstairs , i called my chauffeur and he came in 10 minutes . I went to bath immediately when i reached home . Then when i was in bed , i started to think about what will happen to Rogue if i want to break up with him ? I don't want him to be hurt . But if i don't hurt him , i'll hurt Sting . No matter which choice i choose , someone will be hurt ... I slowly fell asleep afterwards ..

I dun even know who will Lucy be with . Damn .

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