4 -Aquarium , confessions-

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HELLOOOOOOO :) I'm deciding if i should write an emotional chapter .. Which will make you hate Sting . Buahahahahahaha . But you'll still love him afterwards . Anyways , the emotional chapter will not come so soon ...
Now to the story !


-Sting's P.O.V-
Where are they ... Did i reach first ? I wanna see Lucy now ... I cant believe i fell in love with her this much . What is happening to the almighty Sting Eucliffe ? I've decided . I'm going to ...... CONFESS !

I won't le that pink head hurt her anymore . She's going to be drowned in happiness by being with me . Heh .

" Would you wipe that smirk off your face ? It irritates me . Sting . "  My heart stopped beating when she called my name . It was so sweet . I wish she calls me everytime .

" W-Why should I ? " I regained my composture .

" Because .. "

" Out of words to say ? Blondie ? " I smirked again .

" Ugh , just stop it . "

" You're cute even when you're angry ~ " I hummed and teased her . Well , it was the fact though .

" Hmph . " She turned her head and crossed her arms .

I hugged her from the back , " Come on ~ Don't be mad ~ "

I placed my head above her shoulders and i could smell the scent of vanilla and strawberries . Her skin was so smooth , she was soft and she smelt nice . Can i confess now ? I dont wanna let her go .

" S-Sting ! "

" Ah my bad . "

" Stop getting so close to me ! " She was red and i was quite upset , " Do you hate me so much ? " I mumbled under my breath .

" What ? " Luckily she didnt hear that . 

" Nothing . "

" Hmm .. Really ? "

" Yea . " I lied .

" I'm sorry we're late ~ ! We went to eat breakfast together and this guy keeps ordering more food ! " A white haired girl smacked Natsu in the back .
" Oww ! Sorry .. But i was hungry ! " Lucy was trembling , i held her hand  tightly from behind and she didnt seem to mind . Not at this moment .

" Its only 10:50 . You're not that late . " I said in annoyance , they made Lucy sad . My Lucy sad .

" Yea , lets go in . " Lucy said and walked in with me . We were then surrounded by fishes , sharks . It was an amazing view .

She stood at the glass which has sharks inside . Her eyes sparkling with excitement . I was love struck at that scene --- The dress she was wearing fits her perfectly with the boots . When she stands beside the glass , she seems to shine more . My heartbeat quickened at the thought .

" Now now , does my princess like sharks ? " I walked to her and laughed .

" I'n not your princess but yes , i LOVE them ! Aww look ! Thats the tiger shark ! " Her eyes were filled with excitement .

" Pfft . "

" What ? " She shot a glare that wasn't scary . But cute instead .

" How ungirly . " I don't really mind though .

" Hey ! How rude ! " She tried to punch me in the arm . I blocked and laughed , " Don't use your pig foot to- "

" Say that again and you'll meet death . " She's really cute . I really love her  . I laughed and she was shocked . But she giggled after that .

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