BANGPINK - Strange

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They all seem to click because of one thing; system error. There's always an error, something always goes wrong when you don't want them to. The errors, they are the errors. They were supposed to be perfect, but nothing is perfect in this world.

Their powers come with disadvantages. Lisa can't focus on her power too much because it could kill her. Jisoo can't fly as fast as the other gifted ones because of her messed up wings. Seokjin's wings are perfect, but he needs to be out of his mind to actually use them properly. Jungkook can't go up to his potential unless he's nearly dead. And Jennie can't go on for five minutes without glitching, sometimes causing the others to help her get out of trouble.

After the event last night, she hadn't gotten any sleep at all. Just when she was about to rest her head on the table, the door swings open and her annoying teacher's voice booms loudly as he announces his brutal tasks for them.

. . .

"Jungkook, if you keep losing your assignments, I'm going to have to send you to the principal's office." the teacher warned and he could only hang his head low. He's been a great student up until his sixteenth birthday, that's when his powers started to effect him most.

Who knew, a smart and excellent student would be getting a big, fat zero and suspended from school? Apparently, Jungkook did. He apologized again before getting dismissed. He walked out of the teacher's office with a sullen expression, knowing he had to deal with those pesky bullies during recess again.

And, he's right. "Boohoo, look who's crying," said the taller one as he pushed Jungkook's shoulder back. He's become their punching bag since age seventeen after the news of him hooking up with his friend's girlfriend broke out. The real culprit is the one always picking on him.

"I'm not in the mood to argue, Jungwoo." he muttered and sloppily pushed the boy's hand away. Jungwoo was one of his best friends, but after the ridiculous rumour, he took advantage and sided with his other friend, San. "Think you can escape us?" San said, cocking an eyebrow at him.

It only took one glance for him to get a punch in the stomach, and it continued, like every other day.

. . .

Lisa leans on the door after loudly slamming it shut, it's happening again. Her parents, they keep fighting over meaningless things and she's getting tired of it. She knows that their divorce will come sooner or later, but she just can't accept it yet.

Mentally blocking out the sound of their bickering, she sits down on the edge of her bed, contemplating whether she should or shouldn't just walk out of the house right there and then. She's only seventeen, but she's responsible enough, right?

Wrong. She can't even do a simple task without getting yelled at, like hell is she responsible. But with all the things that keeps happening in this household, she wants to be responsible. For once, she wants to become an adult and move out.

Without a second thought, she grabs a duffel bag from under her bed and stuffs in random pieces of clothing in it.

. . .

"Seokjin, you should be at school. You can't ditch just so you can take care of me, I can take care of myself." said his mother. He smiles at her and wordlessly strolls whilst pushing his mother's wheelchair. "You know I can't do that, you're far more important than school."

It is true that she's more important, of course, his mother is his priority. After what happened to her, he just can't seem to leave the house with ease. Not when an unsettling feeling sets in every ten seconds that makes him check up on her many times.

His mother continues to scold him, but Seokjin only stares ahead. "Seokjin, are you even listening to me?" he snaps back to reality when his mother lightly smacked his arm. "What is it, mother?"

"I said, you need to finish high school and go to college. Isn't that the sole purpose of that part-time job of yours?" she said and he let out a chuckle. "You're almost twenty, Seokjin. There's plenty of things planned out for you."

He sadly smiles as they stop on the bridge in the park, admiring the beautiful lake. "I doubt that, honestly.." he muttered when he feels his back itching, it was his wings. They were itching to show themselves in broad daylight, but he doesn't want that to happen, never.

. . .

Jisoo rests her forehead on the book in front of her with a heavy sigh, all these books and assignments are done, yet her parents still aren't letting her rest. "Jisoo!" she jolted up and straightened her back.

"What are you doing!? Do your work now." her father sternly said in a demanding tone, making her bite down on her lip. Her parents have been overworking her, telling her that if she wants to be the perfect daughter, she has to do whatever they say.

Being the polite girl she is, she obeys and does everything they tell her to do. Do laundry, complete her homework, do chores daily, do more exercises on biology since she's bad at it. Everything, even polishing her dad's shoes every weekend.

She hides her face in her palms and sharply inhales, she wants to run, run away from her so-called responsibilities. She really does, but where could she even go if she does run away? Right, nowhere because she doesn't have any close friends to crash at their place.

It's been too frustrating and stressful, that she had unintentionally insulted her professor when she was caught dozing off in class. You can't blame it on her, she's being pressured a lot, she has to blow up at some point.


"Lisa..?" she trailed off after seeing the younger girl on her doorstep with tears welding up in her eyes. "What happened? What's wrong?" she questioned, ushering the blonde inside.

"I- I.. I ran away from home," she hesitantly replied whilst wiping her eyes. "Can I stay at your place?" Jennie instantly nods her head without a second thought. "Yes, of course. Stay for as long as you want."

She tightly hugs the younger, no intentions on pulling away, but the doorbell made them force each other to pull apart. First, Lisa.. Now, what? She swings the door open to see an anxious looking Seokjin. "What is it, Jin?"

He swallows before glancing down at the black ring that snugly fits around his index finger, but instead of being black, it was glowing blue. "This.." he mumbled. Lisa audibly gasped and took a closer look before noticing hers.. and Jennie's.

"What is this.." they all said, staring at the blinking rings. They heard footsteps coming from behind Seokjin, "Why is it blue?" Jisoo's voice merged. "I don't know.."

Jisoo, being the smartest there, was quick to understand. "Wait.. Where's Jungkook?"


*sips tea*

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