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A/N: So this one won't be depressing, actually. An AU where Will, Horace, and Evanlyn managed to escape.

"WILL!" SHE SHRIEKED. THE apprentice Ranger jerked his gaze around, his eyes rolling in the back of his head as the rock slammed into his head. The bow fell with a clatter as he slumped to the ground.

Footsteps rushed forward and she dropped the saxe knife she'd been holding, making a run for the blow. She snatched at an arrow and fumbled with it as she tried to nock it, when someone grabbed her, their arms squeezing around her. She screamed and aimed a kick towards the Skandian's groin, and to her relief, the tight grip fell away.

"Horace!" she shouted, discarding the bow. The remainder of the Skandians surrounded her, and the bridge swayed dangerously as the fire overtook it.

Either die here, or fall into the Skandians. She looked around, but there was no other option of escape. The Skandians made their way off the bridge, remaining at the entrance of the bridge, waiting for her to come.

Evanlyn dropped beside Will, shaking him. "Will! Will, wake up!" When the boy didn't answer, she shook him harder. "Will!"

The bridge cracked again, and her mouth went dry with fear. They couldn't last much longer here.

A shout was abruptly cut off. She looked ahead as one of the Skandians fell to the ground with a grunt, a tall form towering over the limp form with the sword flashing around his opponents in a deadly yet graceful fashion.

"Get Will out!" she heard Horace call. "We need to get to the horses, and ride like the wind back!"

As if in answer to the words, the bridge groaned and creaked, and to her horror, the other side of the bridge slowly began to fall to pieces as the flames consumed them.

Evanlyn didn't stop to think. Grabbing the boy's arms, she hauled him off the ground, and dragged him across what was there of the bridge. The bridge gave another lurch, and she screamed as she lost her balance.

This was it. They were both going to die here, and Horace would too, if the Skandians didn't take him.

And then a hand reached out and grabbed her. To her horror, it wasn't Horace. The strong scent of a Skandian reached her nostrils as he wrapped his arms around her in a bearlike hug. She screamed again and kicked him, and they both tumbled back on to solid ground.

"Evanlyn!" The Skandian shouted in pain, and another warmer, stronger hand, gripped her arm and hauled her up. She looked up as Horace pulled her along.

"Wait! Where's Will?" But the apprentice knight was already scooping the other boy in his arms.

"Come on! They're still coming!" She raced after him, her breath escaping in ragged gasps. As they reached the horses, she hesitated, unsure of where to go.

"Take Kicker!" Horace ordered. "Don't ask questions, just take him!"

She nodded and swung herself up in the saddle. She thought Horace whispered something, but didn't have time to ask.

"Go! Go!" Horace yelled, and they started forward, far away from the bridge as it collapsed into the abyss of the Fissure.

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