The Courier Pt. 2

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ALYSS STRODE DOWN THE halls, in no particular direction. Will and Horace had gone off gallivanting somewhere, while she had returned to her room.

A small smile tugged at her mouth at the thought of Will's deep brown eyes, alight with fun and mischievousness. She'd missed him, and was glad to see that he was doing better than he'd been when he'd first returned.

Footsteps echoed down the hall and she turned, to see the blonde-haired Princess walking down the halls. A flicker of annoyance flashed across the girl's face before it was composed.

Alyss bowed, gritting her teeth. "Your Highness," she said, a bit frostily as she remembered the heartfelt hug Will had given her.

Cassandra eyed her, a with a bit of disdain, before speaking. "You know Will?"

Alyss straightened, nodding. "Will and I grew up in the Ward," she replied. "We've known each other since we were little."

The Princess nodded, her expression tightening. "I see." And then, casually, "I suppose I'll see you around."

"As long as Will is here," Alyss couldn't help but retort. Cassandra's face reddened and she walked away, her chin held high in anger.

Alyss watched as she disappeared, and then shook her head. "Princesses," she muttered, striding down the hall. "They'll do nothing but take everything from you."

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