The Dream Team

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"So what's the plan, sunny day?" Sting comically proclaimed turning his head over to the girl as she lazily rolled her eyes scoffing at his childish yet adorable antics

The duo were currently laying on top of a hill overlooking the small village below. They made it to Sahara Town where their job request took place.

Sting groaned out of boredom, lightly slamming his head down a top the dirt they've been uncomfortably lying on for the past three hours.

Since when did this become a stakeout mission?

Shifting closer to the ground, the moonlight mage pulled out a pair of binoculars from her bag leaning on her elbows trying to get a better view of who they were looking for.

The dark guild Succubus Eye.

"Sorry to say, but you're a guild master now-" She turned with a smirk catching his eye

"You can't just go around destroying villages as you please. Even if it's for the sake of saving someone-"

"You have responsibilities now-" She winked as he let out a sigh followed by a facepalm.

Sting was no idiot, he knew that... but his impatience was starting to spiral.

Being one of the youngest guild masters in Fiore, many took the dragon slayer for a joke. Such as the magic council, other guilds and even some civilians. Why should they have to listen to what a kid had to say?

Although the blonde wouldn't admit it, he was very insecure about that subject.

Vyra, noticing his fidgetiness and silence, turned her attention towards him putting her binoculars down.

She lifted her hand and gingerly placed it on his cheek. Surprised by the action at first, Sting ultimately found himself leaning into the touch. That was something he liked about Vyra, she was very gentle with her touches... Well, when she wanted to at least. Suddenly the girl pinched his cheek making the blonde yelp in pain.


Heh. Should have seen that coming. The dragon slayer rubbed his cheek and scowled at her. He was about to complain, but stopped short when he locked eyes with her.

Both of their bright blue eyes caught each other. Not a word was spoken as if they were stuck in a trace.

Leaning in interrupting the moment, Vyra planted a sweet kiss on his right cheek (The one she just pinched) making the boy blink in surprise

Knowing how he felt by the uneasiness of his light magic, Vyra went on to try and cheer him up. 

"You're a great guild master Sting-"

"You know you are..."

"Right?" She questioned watching his silent figure



"Sting?!" She shoved his shoulder as he slowly shifted his head over to the left, a small smirk starting to form

"Thanks babe-" He slugged a welcoming arm over her shoulders holding her body close to his, kissing the side of her head making her cheeks instantly warm up

'Babe...'  Vyra thought with rosy red cheeks trying to keep focus of Succubus Eye, although it was insanely difficult

Gray didn't even call her that when they were together. 

'Yeah...Gray...'  Her eyes looked down to the patchy grass they were laying upon

Her Fairy Tail family...

Starlight Blue (Gray x oc x Sting)Where stories live. Discover now