Chapter Seven

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Harry's P.O.V

Annamarie had been driving since Saskia had woken up the next day. She'd insisted that we go somewhere secluded, which clearly meant somewhere there were no humans. I had had my PR team send a story out to the press, telling them I had a sickness that was serious enough that I had to miss the first and maybe the second dates of the tour. I knew that this was extremely bad, but I also knew Jay, and I knew that especially in this state she was in she wouldn't let anything get it her way - not even an arena concert.

So here I was in a car with Annamarie and Saskia, Jay's grandmother driving to who knows where. We were silent, not even music playing, because my mind was too loud to handle anything other than the whirring of the soft engine and the crunching of the wheels on the road. Saskia was sleeping again, all the traveling making her exhausted. I kept my eyes on the road, feeling sick.

Jay. My dearest Jay. The brave, strong, beautiful Warrior I fell in love and had a child with, couldn't even remember me or our baby existed and was set out to kill me. I glanced back at Saskia with a troubled expression and let out a long breath, turning to Annamarie.

"What's going to happen?" I asked.

She glanced at me, chewing on her lip. "Well, Vima is sending out messages and gathering Warriors that might help, and she's keeping on the inside, doing what she can." She tried to explain, looking frustrated.

I frowned and looked back down at my hands, which were twisted together. "How...How long had Damien been...Torturing her?" I asked, glancing back at Saskia to make sure she was still sleeping.

Annamarie blinked, glancing at me. "I think you know the answer to that, Harry." She replied.

I nodded and went back to silently staring out the window.


I hadn't realized that I'd dozed off until something jolted the car and I startled awake. My mind quickly came to the conclusion of a pothole. I blinked quickly, looking back and Saskia as a reflex reaction. As soon as I'd assessed that she was safe, I turned my gaze on Annamarie.

"How long to go?" I asked, my voice scratchy from disuse.

Annamarie shrugged, her fingers clenching and unclenching on the wheel. "About an hour? Not long. Maybe less. There's no one else on the roads."

I nodded and looked back out the window. All I could see was the blur of trees as we rushed past, and a one-lane country road covered with potholes. Annamarie was doing a good job avoiding most of them, and Saskia remained asleep. 

My mind felt disconnected from the situation, like I was drifting. I found myself in my own head, lingering around the broken bond between Jay and I. It hurt every time I brought it to the forefront of my mind, every time I tried to either fix it or just...Feel something from it. Nothing ever happened, and it just brought more pain. 

I was so deep in  thought that I didn't notice what was happening with Annamarie. It wasn't until the car swerved that I was jolted back to full attention, my head snapping around to Annamarie and my hands taking the wheel the moment I saw that she was slumped in the seat, looking like she was shivering. "Annamarie?!" I hissed, fear filling me. 

She shuddered, opening her eyes again, and I could see that something was wrong. "They're coming. Vima only just managed to get a warning to me." She replied, her voice flat. 

She took the wheel back, and slowed right down, pulling over. "What?" I asked, unbuckling my seatbelt when I saw she was getting out of the car. 

"We weren't fast enough. Jay found us, and now her and the army are coming." Annamarie replied, her voice cracking on the last word. 

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jul 07, 2015 ⏰

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