There was a knock on their door and four of her men entered shortly after. 

"Вы двое, оставайтесь и берегите его. (You two, stay and keep him safe.)"

"Зачем нам? Он не один из нас. (Why should we? He's not one of us.)"

Before she even realized what she was doing, she whipped her switchblade out of her holster and pressed it against his throat, "Потому что я, блядь, тебе сказал. Никогда не забывай своего места, ты жалкий, жалкий, низкий. И если я вернусь и увижу на нем столько же царапины ... (Because I fucking told you to. Don't ever forget your place, you meager, pathetic, low grade. And if I come back and see as much of a scratch on him...)", she chuckled and for a second Spencer caught a glimpse of real rage in her eyes, "Что ж, вы действительно не хотите знать, что будет после этого. Ты? (Well, you don't really want to know what happens after that. Do you?)"

He gulped, "Нет, госпожа. (No, Misstress.)"

"Вы двое-- (You two--)", she tilted her head to the side slightly and just that simple gesture had them scrambling out of the room behind her.

She banged on the front door of her latest enemy's front door. It swung open and stood before her was a tall man with dark hair and a disgruntled expression on his face.

"Who the fuck are you?"

"Your newest fucking problem."

"Really? Is that so?"

"Listen, we can do this the easy way or the hard way, your choice."

"Hmm, I think I'd prefer the hard way.", he extended his arm to touch her. She quickly gripped his arm, spun him around, pinned it behind his back, and slammed him down against his own porch. 

"Give me my fucking money, you revolting son of a bitch."

"At least I'm not the daughter of a bastard.", at that, her men didn't skip a beat pressing a Glock against each side of his head. 

"Ok, ok--I don't have it here. I-it's in a safe at our mansion."

"Well, then it looks like we're going for a ride."

They had him sit in the front seat, one of her people driving and the other in the back with her, pointing a gun straight to the back of the man's head. Atticus found herself getting lost in her own thoughts and anxieties as they pulled into the driveway, but she knew she couldn't crack. And she won't. 

"Mikhail you go in with him. Make sure he gets the right amount. And don't do anything I wouldn't do."

"Yes, ma'am."

He came back just a few minutes later, and she figured the people in there knew better than to fuck around, knowing that her mob was one of the most powerful. They run the biggest cartel, they have the most alliances, and the strongest loyalty (although she knew it was faux) they would do anything to please and obey her. 

He handed her the stack and she quickly counted out all 500,000 dollars, "Nice work. No trouble I'm assuming."

"Not on their end, no."

"What the hell does that mean?"

"They won't be messing with us again any time soon.", the sentence sent shivers down her spine though she disguised it well. See, that's part of what she hated. She hated knowing that she was a part of all the unnecessary violence. She didn't want to think about the body count her people might've built up. 

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