(5) The Worst Has Come to Pass

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*Back in the Evil Universe*

(Dark) Me: I can't believe we did not get Lincoln Again! I was Held Back By Everything he Said, I so Wanna Drive my Knuckles In His Face, And I will Show That "Man With The Plan" What The True Heartbroken Singer Can D- *Clang*

*I Opened My Eyes, to find out i have been Tied up, then I Reveal that I Had no clothes on, And then I look at the Sisters who looked like Strippers (Mostly Because of the Clothing)*

(LSF) Lori: Had a nice nap?

(Dark) Me: Why Are You Doing This? Is this how you treat your own boss.

(LSF) Lola: You are not our Boss... YOU NEVER WERE.

(Dark) Me: This Is An Outrage..

(Dark) Mii: You were weak against the others!

(Dark) Me: What?? Mii!? You too?

(LSF) Lisa: your male friend here has decided to take a free will and not work against us.

(Dark) Me: Who said I be working against you!?

(LSF) Luna: Nobody did, we just thought you'd be better sitting on the sidelines, so that you won't be in our way.

(Dark) Me: Try it and Lincoln will stop you, I've seen what he can do.

(LSF) Leni: But he hasn't seen what We can Do.

*I just tilted my head like Really*

*They were annoyed by the look and they just knocked me out*

(LSF) Lori: all right let's go find our Husband, we now know he can fuse, just like the rest in his universe. Mii, Make sure he doesn't Escape.

(Dark) Mii: Gladly.

*Once they went through the portal, (Dark) Mii surprisingly dropped the act, and untied me*

(Dark) Mii: We have to warn the others can you walk?

(Dark) Me "Dizzy": Yeah... just a little unfazed is all, let's go.

*They open a Portal and They escape to the Regular Loud Verse*

"Meanwhile In the Loud House Universe"

Lincoln: Mom, You are always gonna be there for me, Right?

Rita: Honey, Ever since everything that has happened I will never break that Promise, You Can Bet Your Life On It! You still remember to Bring out Your enhancements in case if you ever get picked on, Right?

Lincoln: Yes, Mom.

Rita: You do your best to not kill anyone in your new school?

Lincoln: I won't agree to that any other way. All I Know Is I defend myself and I try to stay as Calm as Possible.

Rita: That's My Boy. *Hugs her son*

Lincoln: I love you, Mom. *Hugs her back*

Rita: I Love you too, Son.

*Suddenly An Explosion was heard in parking lot, Me, Mii, and They Rushed down to see our (Dark) Selves in a Hole from where it seems like they fell from the sky*

(Dark) Me: Really, Mii?

(Dark) Mii: What? There was no other way to attract attention...

Me: What do you two Want?

(Dark) Me: *Coughing from the Dirt* Lincoln... Is in danger, Not by us.

Me: How?

(Dark) Mii: The Loud Sisters in the Evil Universe Might've... Betrayed Us... And Wanted to Come After Lincoln for themselves... We only wanted Loudcest to Just Be Minor... With them doing it their own ways they might end up doing worse than what me and my look-alike would have planned, They Could end up betraying Sheldon too! You have to Listen to Us! We saw and Heard it with our own Ears and Eyes!

*Me and My Mii looked at eachother feeling like we should believe them, But Lincoln had his enhancements ready if they were lying, But then he backed down and Asked...*

Lincoln: Look, We could Trust you, Your Story seems to Make Sense, BUT, How do we know you won't Betray Us In return to make them believe you are worthily evil to join their side again.

(Dark) Me: Well, For One part I would not like to join them again because they tied me up.

(Dark) Mii: And Two, Why Would I join something that is absolutely Unacceptable??

Lincoln: Alright, it sounds like you're telling the truth but I better not see any fingers crossed behind your backs or the deal is off, got it?

(Dark) Me and Mii: Yes Sir.

*They helped them up out of the hole*

Me: listen here we can fuse but I better not see you take over my mind permanently.

(Dark) Me: I won't have it any other way, If Anything, I will just give you Power.

Me: Then That's Good enough for me.

"In The Evil Universe"

*Sheldon was recently Knocked Out by the Evil Loud sisters*

(LSF) Lori: Shall We Try To Have Him Merge with the Others Like those Two that Betrayed Us?

(LSF) Lisa: Nah, We Should Ban him to his own dimension and We can Hopefully see about merging with the sister units in his dimension. Thus, Making us More powerful.

(LSF) Lola: I can't wait to get more power within me.

(LSF) Lisa: Yes, but we must be careful those sisters in his dimension are not very sexually abusive like us. So, we need to take control of them.

*They open a red portal and they went to do their work, Lisa injected her sleep medicine in all 11 of the other louds in the "Easily Broken" Universe, Once they fused They went back to their Universe and prepared to Invade Once More, but what they did notice was that there was a camera attached to "lsf" Lisa and it hopped off to see what they were planning. The ones watching the footage were none other than us, apparently "our" Lisa invented something that totally Worked.*

Me: So they fuse themselves with those from "easily broken." I always knew they were cruel.

Lori: but you didn't know that they'd be this cruel.

Me: I agree.

Luna: Well, don't get your negativity in, Dude. There is still a way to stop them we just need to figure it out, Right?

Mii: Of Course.

Me: So Far, As Far as Ending those Mean, Hypocritical, Sexually Abusive, Sisters, We need to Rescue Lincoln from "Easily Broken" and Try To Split The "Easily Broken" Sisters from the Evil Sisters, Who's With Me.

All: Yeah!

???: Count Me In, Too.

The Loud Of Silence 3: Infiltration of The Loud-VerseWhere stories live. Discover now