The Killer's Counsel

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Everyone in the room is dumbstruck, Maddie looking at Sherry, Buck and Eddie with their mouths hanging open, but Sherry’s the first to break the silence, grabbing Bosko’s arm.

“Not a word, understand me?”

Buck’s still staring at Bosko, dumbfounded. All this time, he’d thought Eddie did it, having never considered that it was actually someone nobody had even thought of, let alone Bosko.

Sherry quickly says, “I’ll be representing Ms. Bosko, and she’s not making a statement for the time being.”

“A statement?” Yet another person walks in, the lead prosecutor.

Athena explains, “I sent a report over to the assistant DA, and all the evidence pointed towards another suspect.”

The lead prosecutor turns to Bosko, “And that’s her?”

“Ms. Bosko has nothing to say at this time.” Sherry tries to say.

But Bosko is too quick, “Yes, and I want to confess.”

Sherry tries to stop her, “Ms. Bosko.”

Eddie quickly agrees, “No, don’t. Listen to Sherry.”

“So now there’s two different people confessing to the same crime?” The lead prosecutor asks.

“Nobody is trying to railroad anyone.” Sherry assures her, then turns to Athena, “I want to see the proof myself.”

Athena nods in agreement, “As soon as we have it, I’ll send it over first thing.”

That settled, Sherry turns to the lead prosecutor, “Now if you don’t mind, I need a moment alone with my client.”

The prosecutor nods, “Half an hour.”

Athena has to tell Bosko, “Lena, I have to call your sister. She needs to know.”

Bobby’s already moving to Buck, trying to pull him away, “Come on, Buck. We need to go.”

Buck doesn’t see a reason not to, so he starts to comply, but before he can get out of the room, Bosko stops him.
“Buck, listen.” Bosko says urgently. “You have to know, I’d never let you go to prison for me.”

Buck can’t even think of a proper reply to that, so he just says, “Listen to Sherry. Let her help you. There’s nothing black and white about any of this, alright?”

With that, Buck lets everyone lead him away, Maddie all but pushing him out of the room, followed by everyone else.

Now that Bosko and Sherry are alone, Sherry takes a moment to sit at the desk.

“Now then.” She says calmly. “Let’s see how we can get you out of here. Whaddaya say?”

Buck’s led to Athena’s office, and upon entering, Buck’s first question is, “Where’s Chris?”

Bobby quickly assures him, “Carla’s still with him. Athena gave her a call to tell her what happened, and she’ll be bringing him by.”

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