The Pre Party Talk

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“You know Athena was right, don’t you?” Bobby asks Buck, as they’re both helping cook a big meal for Chris’ welcome home dinner.

“You did the right thing going to the cops right away, telling them what happened with Mackey.”

Buck doesn’t fully buy that, “I was in a stuffy room, and they recorded everything I said.”

“That’s their job, Buck. Everyone involved in the case is going to be interviewed.”

Buck reminds Bobby, “But not everyone involved in the case threatened to kill him.”

Bobby knows to not let Buck think like that, “Mackey was blackmailing you too! You two didn’t see eye to eye, and it  only escalated, and by the time--”

“‘Didn’t see eye to eye?’” Buck gives a halfhearted laugh. “I straight up hated him. I’m glad he’s dead.”

Bobby makes Buck look at him, “I know for a fact you don’t mean that. It’s not in you to hate someone like that.”

“You wanna bet?” Buck snaps. “He said I was an unfit father, and was going to use my kid as leverage to get me to do what he wanted. If Athena hadn’t stopped me right when she did, there’s a good chance I would’ve beaten him to death, instead of...” Buck trails off, catching himself.

“Instead of...what?” Bobby pushes gently, and at the desperate look in Buck’s eyes, pushes harder, “Is there something you know that you’re trying to tell me?”

“Eddie?” Hen calls out, upon seeing the man in question walk past her. “Are you okay? You look like hell.”

Eddie stops, admitting, “Yeah, I basically am in hell.”

All Buck can see is him pulling the gun out of the duffle bag, and what Eddie was planning to to with it, so when Bobby calls out,

“Buck?”, it helps to pull him back to the present.

Once Bobby sees Buck’s listening, he reminds Buck, “You know there’s nothing you can’t tell me, right?”

“He collapsed right here.” Eddie gestures next to them. “Are you okay with being here?”

“Eddie, I deal with this stuff for a living.” Chim waves off the concern. “However, I have noticed you’re more than just a little agitated.”

Eddie’s still stuck on when he walked into the locker room, and found Buck holding the gun, and doesn’t reply.

“Eddie. Eddie!” Chim tries to get his attention again, but Eddie ignores him.

“Okay. We got time before this is finished.” Bobby tells Buck.

“You were actually going to shoot Mackey, weren’t you?” “Yes.”

“I just feel so guilty.” Buck finally manages to say.

Bobby asks, confused, "Guilty? About what?"

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