When Half the Truth Escapes

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⚠️TW⚠️ talks of Self harm and Eating disorder

"Meredith?!" Derek exclaims. Meredith just stared at him with anger seeping from her irises. The once light emerald orbs have now darkened to a shade so lust it's indescribable.
"Cristina!? Was she here to whole time and you didn't tell me? I was worried for nothing!" Derek shouts full of anger as well.

"No Derek, I just got here an hour ago. Don't you dare take this out on Cristina." Merediths says in a deep tone. She's so mad it's as if you could see dark clouds of furious air seeming out of her earlobes.

"Meredith, why don't we talk outside." Derek says trying to calm himself down.

"What is there to talk about? Are you going to scream at me some more? Maybe even hit me?" Merediths asks filling with more fury.

"No Meredith. You know I would never hurt you." Derek says softly.

"At least not physically right?" Meredith questions as her vile anger intensifies.

"Meredith.." Derek starts to talk.

"No! You know what Derek! Just get the Hell away from me. I am NOT in the mood to talk to you." She shouts exaggerating the word not.

"Ok. Fine I'll leave. Glad to know you aren't dead in a ditch at least." He mumbles to himself as he walks out the door back to his car. Meredith just stares at the door long after it had been shut. Tears threaten to spill from her eyes as she try's to Well them up and keep them in.

"Meredith... you okay?" Cristina asks while placing a delicate hand on her shoulder. Now Meredith cannot control herself and she starts sobbing recklessly. She falls down to the floor and Cristina sits down next to her.

"I'm sorry, I'm... I'm just so- mad." Meredith chokes out while still sobbing. Cristina just shooshes her and strokes her hair slowly. Meredith embraced her warmth and calms down.

"Thank you Cristina. I love you." Meredith says. Cristina leaps into Meredith for a hug. This catches Her off guard because Cristina isn't usually one to enjoy hugs. But Meredith just leans into her and squeezes her tightly. Cristina looks up at Meredith for a split second full of confusion.

"Meredith..?" Cristina asks.

"Yes?" Meredith replied now very confused as well.

"Have you been- have you been eating?" Cristina asks. Meredith is shocked into silence. How could she be so stupid. She's barley eaten anything for the past month and a half and here she is hugging peoples brain out.

"I- I..." Meredith starts to talk before melting down once again. Cristina lifts Merediths loose hoodie and gasps. Her ribs a poking out like ice in a glass of lemonade.

"Meredith! Oh my god!" Cristina exclaims and pulls her into another hug.

"Don't- tel.. tell any- one. Ple- please." Meredith choke so out now full blown bawling her eyes out.

"Meredith.. you have to get this under control." Cristina says sympathetically.

"I know, I know. I just. I can't do it. I want to but I can't. It's just so- so hard. You have to help me." Meredith says now more calm but still shaking.

"Ok. Ok I'll help you. You just need motivation right? Your not doing this because your insecure?" She asks.

"No, no I just. I've felt so empty since Alex.. uhm.. oh god." Meredith starts breaking down once again even talking about the death of her friend.

"Shh it's ok. How about. We always eat together from now on. And you always tell me your feelings. We are gonna make a plan." Cristina states determined.

"O- okay." Meredith says now calming down once again. Cristina helped her off the floor and they headed towards the kitchen.

"Ok so what is the last thing you ate. Besides tequila." Cristina asked while smirking at her. She let out a soft giggle.

"I had a cereal bar like 3 days ago?" She said, while also questioning her self.

"So you obviously can eat. You just don't want to. Correct?" Cristina asked. Meredith just nodded.

"So let's not go to crazy. How about something easy to swallow." Cristina said mostly talking to herself. She opened the fridge and pulled out a plain vanilla yogurt and strawberries. She took out a cutting board and knife and Meredith stiffened. The knife triggered her. She stared as it cut through the fruit flawlessly. She put her hands under the table and played with her own slender fingers while her leg started bouncing. She tried to distract herself from anything but the Knife but Meredith was only able to point her Ocean eyes at the sharp tip of the small blade. She didn't realize she was breathing erratically until Cristina was next to her shaking her shoulder.

"Meredith? Meredith! Snap out of it!" Cristina shouted while shaking Merediths shoulder hastily.

"Huh? Oh. Oh my I'm- I'm sorry." She said nervously.

"Are you really that freaked out to eat some food?" Cristina questioned concerningly.

"No, no. I promise. Just hand me the bowl." Meredith said. It wasn't a lie either. She knew she needed to eat. Meredith stared at the bowl of yogurt that had a spread of fruit and granola on top of it. She lifted the small spoon and slowly consumed the nutritional snack. It was really tasty to someone who hadn't eaten in so long. She quickly swallowed the rest of the remaining food in front of her and Cristina rubbed her shoulder lightly.

"I'm proud of you Mer. Very proud." Cristina smiled with a quiet sigh.

Sorry it is not the best chapter. I'm not really familiar with this subject so I wasn't 100% satisfied with the outcome of this chapter but I still hope you enjoy it. Again if you ever need someone to talk to just reach out I am always here. Stay happy!
-Nadia ;)

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