The Frown Turns Upside Down

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Meredith POV
I woke up still on the bathroom floor with dry tears on my face. My neck was very sore from lying on the bathroom floor and I slowly stood up. I looked at the dried blood on my wrists and slowly tried to peel it off as it stuck to my skin. I winced from the stinging pain and after I cleared the wounds I wrapped them with toilet paper. I was so in my head and I didn't know how to get out. I left my hotel room and headed back home to Cristina's. I definitely wasn't ready to talk to that son of a bitch after what "he" had said to me.

Cristina POV
I had woken up in the on call room with a widespread headache from all the sobbing and wailing. My shift had already ended and I needed to go home. I stood from the lumpy mattress and gathered my coat and keys. I headed towards the parking lot, saying goodbye to Owen who had been on-call that night. I hopped in my car with a huff and sighed. I drove slowly towards my home that was only a short 2 miles away from the hospital. I was starting to worry about Mer considering she never answered my phone calls. I started to dial Derek as U walked through the door but before I could press call I noticed a pair of black flats that didn't belong to me.

"Meredith?" I shouted down the hall as I walked into the living room. I saw her sitting on the couch with a bottle of tequila.
"Oh thank god! Where the hell have you been I've been worried sick! So has Derek, I better call him-" I could barely get my sentence out before she snatched my phone out of my hands and threw it to the other side of the sofa.

"No! Don't you dare call Derek." She exclaimed with a seeming anger spewing from her now clouded over irises.

"Why not?" I asked confused.

"Because he doesn't deserve to know where I am." She said in a pissed manner.

"And why is that?" I asked genuinely.

"Because He is a rude, inconsiderate ass hole." She said now calming down in a way that didn't seem to calm.

"Oh yeah. I heard you to fought." I said contently.

"Actually that is incorrect. We didn't fight. He just shouted in my face and called me a worthless bitch." She said in a calm manner which surprised me.

"He called you what now?" I exclaimed, now I was seething with anger as she was once before. He lied to me. He said they fought and she left for no reason. That little McAss can suck it.

"A worthless bitch. Cant you hear you old bat?" She asked now laughing. I couldn't help but laugh with her and we both sat there hysterically laughing and crying with joy. She stood up and popped open the giant bottle of tequila and took a giant swig. She passed me the bottle and I did the same.

Meredith POV
I was so glad I could talk to Cristina. We were now completely wasted and delusional after finishing the entire bottle of the burning alcohol. We laughed over about everything as we slurred our words. Cristina stood up and ran to the giant radio and played music. She started swaying to the beat. I immediately stood up and joined her. I needed a good dance ing it out because lately I've been really down in the dumps.

"Ahhhh this is greattt." I said with a slurred speech.

"Mm hmm" Cristina just said with a slight smug while still jumping up and down dancing. I jumped with her as we held hands and danced like there was no tomorrow. Soon my legs got tired but I kept going. Cristina then froze dead in her tracks and ran to the Kitchen sink. I stumbled towards her and watched as she emptied her stomach contents into the drain. I laughed as hard as I laughed in a while then found myself in the same position as her, vomiting all over the sink. We both rolled down to the floor laughing and giggling like we had always used to with Alex. I had felt myself smile, a real smile, for the first time in a long while.

Cristina POV
Meredith and I had just finished puking multiple times and were now rolling in the floor full of humor. I looked at her with a bright smile and I saw her smile back. I noticed that it was a smile that fully reached her eyes unlike the ones I'd been seeing lately. We stood back up to go settle in the couch when I heard a loud knock on the door. I don't know who it could be because Owen was still at work. We both headed towards the front door and I opened it slowly. Just as it opened I noticed Meredith smile fade slowly.

Ok so this is a bit of a longer chapter, I thought we needed some fun. But who do you think is standing at the door? Anyways, I might not be posting as much this week because I'm in Florida! ☀️ 😃
But I will try my absolute hardest to update. Stay happy.
-Nadia ;)

The Last Drop (Grey's Anatomy)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora