One Night is All it Takes

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Meredith POV
I decided it would be best if I stayed at a hotel that night, I really needed a break from everything. Derek was so rude and I didn't want to forgive him, I still wasn't eating much and I stared in the hotel bathroom mirror at my boney arms and lifted up my shirt reveling very pale skin with my ribs jabbing out in every direction. My stomach looked hallow and you could see my hip joints poked out of my waist. I sighed at my body feeling upset at myself but not really caring. I stared at the wall in contempt silence.

The men turned the corner seeing a small woman in a strong mans hands and scoffed, the pulled out there gun and shot three shots in the direction. Alex quickly moved his body in front of Merediths, shielding her from any bullets.

I quickly came out of my trance and glanced at the mirror, I then rushed in the kitchen searching frantically for something sharp. I had a way of coping and I needed to stick with it. I found a small knife in a kitchen drawer and wanted to cut so badly. I walked to the bathroom breathing deeply. I held the blade to my wrist and then thought of what Derek had said. Your worthless. Without hesitation I took the sharp blade and made three parallel slits from my wrist all the way up my forearm. I let out a deep sigh feeling the relief after my terrible thoughts quickly circled left my depressing mind. I sat on the bathroom tiles and cried quietly until I fell into a deep sleep.

Cristina POV
Derek had called last night about Meredith and I was worried. I didn't think it was like her to just run off, but I know she would be responsible. I called her a couple times but she never picked up. I decided I wouldn't worry until 5:00 pm. I needed to focus on my work because it was only my 2nd day off of my probation. The halls were crowded as I headed down towards the pit. There had been a call of a 5 car MVP pile up on the free way and everyone was bustling about prepared the trauma bays and setting up medical trays and equipment. I walked out while tying my trauma gown and saw multiple doctors surrounding a specific gurney. "Wilson! What's the hold up?" I shouted while approaching the intern and saw the dead body upon me. "They were Dead on arrival. HALF OF THESE DAMN RIGGS ARE FULL IF DEAD PEOPLE!" Owen shouted while ripping off his gloves and entering back into the hospital. I just stared at the bodies and sighed. Alex would have said something funny about this. He would have lightened the mood. And then Cristina finally accepted that her Evil spawn, the one and only, was dead. She walked into the hospital strait to an on-call room, leaving Meredith more voicemails, and crying herself to sleep.

Sorry this is a little shorter of a chapter. I was too caught up trying to write my other story I forgot to update this one. Anyways I wanted to address that in no way do I condone self harm and if you ever need someone to talk to, reach out to me. Also Read my other story, The way thing work, it's really good. I hope you all enjoy reading this as much as I enjoy writing it, stay happy
-Nadia ;)

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